(Ray Anthony) Assuming the two Georgia Republicans get elected to the Senate in January, we’ve dodged a bullet for the time being. However, I believe the Republicans absolutely need to boost their strength, popularity and grow into a greater force over the next two-four years to thwart the destructive efforts of their hostile adversaries over the long term. How can they leverage winning the House and Senate in the next election and set the pace and probability for future victories?
American Stasi
(Bruce Townshend) History. It’s a curious thing. We learn from it, or at least we should, and we try to use it as a guide for the present and the future. Of course, we all interpret it a bit differently.
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Senator Rand Paul: Dr. Fauci Owes an Apology to Every Parent and School-Age Child in America
(Leisa Audette) Now that the election is over, Dr. Anthony Fauci says it’s ok for kids to go back to school. Unbelievable! The damage he’s done to kids in America is unforgivable. He’s been known as a political hack but using kids as political pawns in the coronavirus scam is pure evil. Listen to Dr. Fauci below
Pandemic or Syndemic: How Deadly COVID-19 Isn’t
(Matt Rowe) We are not just in the midst of a pandemic, which simply means a disease is occurring all over the world. Rather, we are also experiencing a syndemic — the aggregation of two or more concurrent epidemics or disease clusters with biological interactions that exacerbate COVID-19’s prognosis and burden. In other words, either of the diseases by themselves may be manageable, but when combined they create a more damaging or even lethal situation. Here’s the good news, though: many of the comorbidities are controllable.
The Christian Covenant of Plymouth Rock
(Jonathon Moseley) North America was dedicated to Jesus Christ when the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. That covenant with Jesus Christ endures today. God will not forget when we hold to His promises.
J.B. White: Trumps Strategy
(Victor Lewis) Voice Over Artist, writer, veteran, and native Floridian J.B.White took to Twitter yesterday to offer his perspective on the president’s potential strategy.
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News Flash: Most Republicans Are Socialists, Too
(Allen Gindler) Many people ask how we got to this point in our country, where everything now hangs in the balance, and the socialist takeover is quite real. The answer to this question is twofold.
Trump has Reshaped American Politics Forever
(Steve Feinstein) Donald J. Trump’s improbable presidency has been the most consequential presidency in modern times and his influence on American politics is ongoing and permanent.
No Truth, No Unity!
(Steve Matteucci) The Democrats live in a fantasy world. It’s a world in which higher taxes create jobs and prosperity, a world where central control of complex systems produces efficiency, a world where groveling weakness results in international respect and peace. To those old and longstanding fantasies, they’ve added a couple of new ones: a world in which they can sow discord and division and reap acceptance and unity, and a world where the lies they tell will be trusted as the truth.
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American Coup Victims Will Not Go Quietly
(Marc Sheppard) This was a Coup. It lacked, at least for the moment, the spilled blood often associated with a classic coup d’etat but make no mistake about it – this was a coup.
How to Steal an Election
(David Keltz) President Donald Trump had every right to call this entire process a complete sham, as he described it from the East Room of the White House, early Wednesday morning after Election Night. “This is a fraud on the American public, this is an embarrassment on the American country. We were getting ready to win this election, frankly we did win this election.”
Surveying the Aftermath of a Stolen Election
(Jay Schalin) I drove to Chapel Hill to meet a friend for lunch the other day. As I turned onto the main drag, I was beset by carloads of students shrieking with joy, shaking their fists, and honking their horns. I was startled at first, but quickly realized it was in response to the mainstream media declaring Joe Biden to be the new president-elect.
Millennial Millie: Guess Who Counted The Votes? (Video)
Millennial Millie: Guess Who Counted The Votes? (Video)
Why Reparations Will Never Work
(George Handlery) As global wealth grows, the wealth of productive societies expands at lightning speed. Thereby, the material luxury of modernized countries grows at a rate that would have been deemed to be science fiction a few decades ago.
Trumpsters — This is No Time to Go Wobbly
(Brian C. Joondeph) A long time ago, when free elections were still a staple of American government along with the peaceful transition of power, a former U.S. president named George H.W. Bush was mulling over how to respond to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. Should he rescue Kuwait or keep American noses clean, allowing Saddam’s aggression to take its course?