(Steve McCann) Because of the egocentrism and megalomania of the current ruling class, our country is inexorably and stealthily marching toward a tyrannical one-party socialist oligarchy beholden to a globalist agenda. These elites, in their determination to achieve political and societal status in perpetuity, are willingly allied with the relatively small number of true believers in their midst whose sole focus is to transform America into another failed socialist nation.
It Is Possible For Putin To Get Crimea Without Force
(Steven Kopits) Russian President Vladimir Putin is in a pickle. Having mobilized his forces, he has committed his prestige, and Russia’s, at the Ukrainian border. He can scarcely afford to pull back without a loss of face, certainly for himself, and possibly no less for Russia. Indeed, Russia’s self-conception may be on the line.
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The War Against Humanity
(Anthony J. DeBlasi) Virgil famously remarked, well over 2,000 years ago: “The descent to hell is easy.”
Why Is Wokeism so Attractive to so Many?
(Steve Rose) Wokeism offers pre-packaged, shrink-wrapped, off-the-shelf righteousness to anyone who bends the knee. It requires little effort, sacrifice, or intelligence. Simply believe, complain, criticize, and accuse—it’s that easy. In exchange, you’re rewarded with a flattering identity: you’re now a crusader/warrior/hero who vanquishes villains (imaginary villains, but villains nonetheless)—all at seemingly no cost. It’s free handouts of meaning in life. It can seem quite attractive.
We Are All Truckers Now
(Sally Zelikovsky) As momentum from the Freedom Convoy in Canada mounts and works its way into the US, and similar convoys spring up in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, people are collectively standing up to two years of COVID restrictions, lies, misery, and abuse at the hands of our government masters. And we owe it all to Canada’s truckers. Oh, Canada’s truckers! We love you!
What is Heroic Virtue?
(Andrew E. Harrod) “Our culture has a very confused sense of heroism, often applauding the biggest, strongest, loudest, or wealthiest,” writes Catholic commentator Bear Woznick in his new book, Deep Adventure: The Way of Heroic Virtue (Sophia Institute Press). In response to this distortion, he has drawn upon his own daring life of surfing Hawaii’s waves, skydiving, and running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, to examine insightfully the seven cardinal virtues.
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The UN’s Unprecedented Witch Hunt Against Israel
(Jordan Cope) While largely established to forge “friendly relations among nations,” the U.N. has been anything but friendly toward the Jewish state: Israel.
How to Avoid Being Randomly Attacked
(Bernie Carr) There seem to be more and more random attacks occurring lately, especially in large cities. Many of the victims of these brutal attacks are women who are just going about their day.
Mayor of Ottawa Calls Towing Companies to Remove Freedom Truckers — But Runs Into a Hilarious Problem (Watch)
(Mike Miller) As the “Where’s Waldo?” prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau continued to hide out in an “undisclosed location” (or is it?) due to fear for his “safety,” truckers continued to flock to Ottawa to protest the embattled prime minister’s ridiculous draconian COVID-19 mandates.
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Joey 2022: The Worse the Better
(Christopher Chantrill) Is it possible that deep inside the Joe Biden administration there is a conspiracy of cunning manipulators at the very center of the Deep State determined to completely discredit our current ruling class in every aspect of its ideology and political formula?
Don’t Get Cocky about the Midterms
(E. Jeffrey Ludwig) We are hearing a lot of people expressing happiness at the low Biden poll numbers, and some are looking forward to a Democrat crash later this year. One conservative outlet stated, “The polling confirms voters are fed up with Mr. Biden’s failures. After a year of Biden-driven decline, Americans are looking for a positive, forward-looking alternative.” Perhaps they are counting their chickens before they are hatched?
Kid Rock Releases New Song BASHING Biden, Fauci, and Liberal Media [VIDEO]
(Amber Crawford) On Monday, Kid Rock released a new song destroying Biden, Fauci, the Liberal media, and COVID-19 policies.
The Loathsome Ruling Class and the January 6th Protestors
(Steve McCann) On January 6, 2022, the governing and corporate media wing of the ruling class put on a sophomoric production commemorating the first anniversary of a contrived “insurrection.” Self-righteous preening and blatant propagandizing amid a sea of lies were the hallmarks of the ceremony.
Krazy Kamala’s History Lesson
(Civis Americanus) Krazy Kamala Harris would be funnier than most stand-up comedians until one remembers that she is a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States and the control of thousands of nuclear weapons. This should give significant pause to anybody who wishes for Joe Biden to resign or be impeached.
Fear is the Mind Killer
(Rick McDowell) Frank Herbert wrote in Dune, “Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death…” Indeed, fear is the more dangerous virus infecting us.