(Stephen Baskerville) Tucker Carlson almost said it. He went right up to the edge and then drew back. He wheeled the cannon on stage, but he did not fire it.
Patrisse Cullors: Martyr to the IRS
(Robyn Dolgin) Patrisse Cullors admits she’s made a “few mistakes” as the ugly headlines continue to mount over her scandalous spending as the disgraced former leader of Black Lives Matter.
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Pro-Abortion Leftists Go All In on Eugenics
(William Sullivan) On the legal front, it appears that Roe v. Wade may soon suffer a calamitous defeat. But its defenders continue to insist that Roe remains popular with the American people because they have already won American hearts and minds about the moral necessity for women to have the ability to “choose” to kill their unborn child in the womb.
The Collapse of Trust
(Allan J. Feifer) Looking at the issues facing our country, there seems to be something pernicious for which we don’t seem to know what to do to correct the downward trajectory that is shaking us to our core.
When You Label Half of the Country Racist…
(Blaine L. Pardoe) Hearing of the racially motivated mass shooting in Buffalo, I fully anticipated the leftist cries to restrict guns. But these calls were overshadowed by an elevation of a more recent progressive talking point: Blaming Republicans as a whole for the attack. Rolling Stone, long a banner carrier for the Left, went with these headlines: “The Buffalo Shooter Isn’t a ‘Lone Wolf.’ He’s a Mainstream Republican… The right-wing extremists who control the modern GOP are all gripped by a racist delusion.” CNN’s Jim Acosta came out and laid the blame at Tucker Carlson’s doorstep. Newsweek ran the headline, “Parkland Father Blames Ron DeSantis, Other Republicans for Buffalo Shooting.”
The Internal Revenue (Election Rigging) Service
(Clarice Feldman) Should the projections of a Republican tsunami at the midterms prove true, there are so many things that a Republican Congress must prioritize. Not the least of which is revising the civil-service laws to permit removing incompetent and corrupt bureaucrats, cutting drastically the federal bureaucracy, and reforming, among other agencies, the CDC, NIH, FBI, and the IRS.
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The Return of a Powerful U.S.
(William R. Hawkins) On May 3, President Joe Biden visited the Lockheed Martin plant in Troy, Alabama. He was there to thank the company and its workers for building the weapons being sent to Ukraine to defend against the Russian invasion, in particular the Javelin anti-tank missile. He told the employees “You’re allowing the Ukrainians to defend themselves. And, quite frankly, they’re making fools of the Russian military in many instances.” Biden referenced America as “the arsenal of democracy,” citing not just World War II but also Iraq and Afghanistan. “And every worker in this facility and every American taxpayer is directly contributing to the case for freedom. And that’s something we can all be incredibly proud of, in my view,” he declared.
Democrats: ‘It’s Not Us, It’s You!’
(J.B. Shurk) Beware the next round of mass hypnosis because Joe Biden and the Commiecrats (sounds like a 2 A.M. band playing in the ninth circle of hell) are pushing new reality-bending propaganda: his presidency has been a roaring success, but ordinary Americans just aren’t enlightened enough to grasp all he’s accomplished. Considering we’ve entered a currency inflation death spiral, violent crime rates are through the roof, the foreign invasion at the southern border grows exponentially, and the FBI continues to hunt half the country as “terrorists” not deserving of constitutional protections, I’m not sure how many more Slow Joe “accomplishments” we can survive.
Don’t Be Afraid to Call It Grooming
(Nathan Stone) Sometimes a mask is so completely torn away that only the willfully and ideologically blind or the stupid cannot see what the real game is. Frank Bruni of the New York Times kindly provided those who desire to see with such an opportunity with his own Two Minutes Hate against Florida’s protection of 5- to 9-year-olds from groomers.
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Seeing Red
(Karen McKay) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got one thing right early in her political career when she declared that the Democrats would turn the whole country red. She was immediately corrected, but she was right in her color selection.
The End of Liberalism?
(J.B. Shurk) Political scientist Francis Fukuyama wrote an essay in 1989 entitled, “The End of History?” in which he argued that the world had reached “…the end-point of mankind’s ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.” Published months before the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the collapse of the Soviet Union’s communist Iron Curtain, the article became an instant classic, something that academics and media pundits referenced ad nauseam while grappling with the rapidly changing world in the late ’80s and early ’90s.
Thomas Jefferson: A True Statesman
(Will Stoutamire) The United States has now had 46 Presidents since the inception of the Presidency some 230+ years ago. Of all those men, only a handful were true statesmen, and one of those men, much discounted now thanks to leftism, was Thomas Jefferson.
Why Mitch McConnell?
(J. Robert Smith) If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a million times: 80-year-old Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell is the indispensable man. McConnell’s indispensability, we’re told, stems from his skill in shepherding Republican judicial nominees through the process and onto the federal bench. Alternatively, McConnell’s mastery of Senate rules keeps more than a few Democrats off the bench. This is practically lore among Republicans.
We Must Make America Our Own
(Christopher Chantrill) Back in 2020 Joe Biden said he was running to save the world from Climate Change and Systemic Racism. How’s that coming along Joey? What? Can’t hear you down in the basement! What? You’re too busy saving the world from Putin? O-Kay.
No, Nope, No: It Is Not Time for a Civil War
(Jeremy Egerer) Charlie Kirk was asked recently, at one of his lectures, whether now is a good time to “use the guns.” He answered that it isn’t, and I agree with him but only partially for the reasons he stated.