(Operation Disclosure) Jesse Watters slays the Deep State in this seven minute segment from his Fox show ‘Watters World’. Here is President Trump’s tweet featuring the video of the segment…
operation disclosure
Message from President Trump/Q+ — Sierra (NZ)
(Sierra) New Q drop number 4435 is a re-drop of drop number 2629 from 19th December 2018…
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New QAnon: ‘Emergency Action Message’
(Sierra (NZ)) Q drop number 4414 is titled ‘Emergency Action Message’
Atlantis: The Richat Structure and Other Evidence
(Grant Ouellette) I add to the name game of Souss ‘Massa’: The state of Massachusetts was named after the Massachusetts Indian tribe that lived in the Great Blue Hill region near Massachusetts Bay. The word Massachusetts is an Algonquin Indian word which roughly translates to “large hill place” or “at the great hill.” The center of Atlantis could be considered the great hill.
New QAnon: ‘Military – All Systems Go’
(Sierra (NZ)) New Q drop number 4388 published at 1.44.44pm on 3rd June. Title: ‘MILITARY – ALL SYSTEMS GO’
Ten Days of Darkness?
(Sierra (NZ)) Tonight the lights that usually illuminate the exterior of the White House have been switched off. Is this the ten days of darkness? Check this tweet from JuliansRum for details…
State of the Great Awakening: Freedom from Mind-Control
(James O’Brien) The Hegelian Dialectic.
DEEP STATE (Soros) Funded Riots, A Series of Questions
(Sierra (NZ)) New Q drop number 4349 features a picture of George Soros with this quote attributed to him:
Anna Von Reitz RANT: List of Things Trump Did RIGHT This Past Week — Not for Those who Blindly Hate
(Anna Von Reitz) Last night on my weekly Zoom Conference I had the temerity to suggest (against all the collective “wisdom” of the Mainstream News) that President Trump is doing his job. I suppose I could have belabored the point a bit and gone into details for all the liberal cat-callers in the back row, but I had a lot of other material to cover and let it slide until this morning, when, lo and behold — look at what landed in my box?
President Trump: ‘We Caught them All’
(Sierra (NZ)) President Trump… ‘I have a chance to break the Deep State…’
BIDENGATE: Biden Listed as “Perpetrator of Crime” in Ukraine
(Sierra (NZ)) Check out this video and tweet from Josh at RealDirtyTruth…
Tweet from Q+/President Trump: “OBAMAGATE!”
(Sierra (NZ)) #Obamagate has gone viral on Twitter. As I write this, 1.26 million tweets feature #Obamagate – and it happened within hours. What inspired this extraordinary turn of events? President Trump/Q+ has a pretty good idea.
Message from Q+/President Trump
(Sierra (NZ)) It’s been a long time since we’ve had a message from Q+.
Protests Nationwide Scheduled for May 1st
(Jon Rappoport) A growing number of groups in US states are preparing protests against the lockdowns on May 1.
Over 3,000 People Saved from Human Trafficking in 2019 (Video)
Over 3,000 People Saved from Human Trafficking in 2019 (Video)