(Alejandro Rojas) Rocker Tom DeLonge has finally released information about a big UFO project he has been teasing for months, and is planning a live event tomorrow morning to provide more information. Related: Tom DeLonge promises ‘BIG UFO ANNOUNCEMENT’ within 60 DAYS Source – Open Minds by Alejandro Rojas, Rocker Tom DeLonge has finally released information about a big UFO […]
open your mind
Being Open-minded Literally Changes the Way You See the World, Says New Research
(Phillip Schneider) According to new research, open-minded people don’t just see the world differently in an ideological sense, but in a new study entitled, ‘Seeing it both ways: Openness to experience and binocular rivalry suppression‘, psychologists have found that being high in openness can actually change visual perception. Related Article: Secret Space Programs Disclosure Petition | Help […]
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The Science of Mantras: How Sacred Sounds Heal Body, Mind and Spirit
(Paul Harrison) For more than 3000 years mantras (sacred sounds) have been chanted for the purpose of spiritual healing. During the early period of Hinduism, spiritual gurus became fascinated by poetry and began to write sounds in sacred texts like the Rigveda. Those same sounds have echoed throughout the East all the way to today, and […]
The Bible tells you not to take it literally!!!
Source – Jeremy McDonald by Jeremy McDonald, April 11, 2017 The bible not intended to be taken literally!!! I grew up in a church of fire and brimstone – constantly teaching about God’s world tomorrow of which only the few could pass into. The rest would die unless they repented of their sins and if they […]