(Jason Kelley) Putting children under surveillance and limiting their access to information doesn’t make them safer—in fact, research suggests just the opposite. Unfortunately those tactics are the ones endorsed by the Kids Online Safety Act of 2022 (KOSA), introduced by Sens. Blumenthal and Blackburn. The bill deserves credit for attempting to improve online data privacy for young people, and for attempting to update 1998’s Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA). But its plan to require surveillance and censorship of anyone under sixteen would greatly endanger the rights, and safety, of young people online.
Why Online DNA Testing Raises Serious Privacy Concerns
(Off The Grid News) Online DNA testing has become a huge trend in recent years, and it has already taken many countries by storm. While receiving your results and comparing them to those of others can seem like a fun experience, it also comes with numerous strings attached that people often don’t think about. And this is a growing problem, because even when most of us do wake up about the situation, it will probably be too late. Companies have already managed to obtain lots of DNA samples, and there’s no coming back from that. The only thing we can change at this point is how much more we give them on top of that.
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Top 6 Benefits Of Using An Online Research Community Platform
(Waking Science) As times change, the way people and businesses gather research changes. With the pandemic and social distancing causing issues with in-person research focus groups needing to be canceled, other ways of getting quality research are being found. Going forward, it is important to take advantage of new technological tools to continue gathering necessary data. Below are some benefits of using an online research community platform to connect your customers and employees.
Arguing With Leftists Online
(NOQ Report) Last week Dan Bongino talked about the pointlessness of arguing with the left. He said something like (I paraphrase from memory) “We think the left are simply people with bad ideas while the left thinks we are simply bad people.…” He went on to say that while pointless in terms of trying to convince the person with whom you’re “arguing”, it’s worthwhile because others, who may be open minded and paying attention, might be persuaded.