(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Within science, when a phenomenon has been observed with some degree of regularity, underscored by statistically significant measurements that cannot be explained by normal means, there is a basis to support an investigation to determine if there is a principle at work. For example, the fact that the Sun regularly […]
The Handbook of Human Ownership: Why Humans are the Livestock of the Ruling Class (PDF)
(Pao Chang) This short but informative handbook does a great job of explaining why we have been enslaved for so long. The elite and ruling class have known for a very long time that humans are the most profitable “livestock”. This is why they have been working for millennia to control and domesticate us. The process […]
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Essential Legal Knowledge ALL PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW — United States Secrets: Why You Should Not Be a Citizen, Person or People
Source – Omni Thought by Pao Chang, October 28th 2016 One important thing you need to know about the United States is the fact that it is operating under a less severe form of martial law. Because of this, The Constitution is suspended. This is why you see the gold fringe U.S. flag in nearly […]
How Secret Societies Hide Sacred and Occult Knowledge in Plain Sight
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) This is an excellent resource for hidden information, not just related to the Cabal, but also revealing the interconnected nature of reality itself. Math is a language of analyzing relationships inherent in reality that if properly done, helps the evolving mind make contact with Natural or Divine law—the […]
Flat Earth Theory Exploding in Popularity — Is the Earth Flat and Not Round? The Answer Can Be Found in the Human Body
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is a brief discussion about the controversial topic of Flat Earth. According to Google Trends, google searches for Flat Earth have skyrocketed in 2016, possibly due to a somewhat popular rapper named B.O.B. who tweeted about the issue earlier this year. While I remain open minded about all […]
Smart Dust AI Nanite Technology | Nanoparticles Enable Remote Control Brains Via Magnetic Field
Image Source. Source – Omnithought by Nicholas West A couple of years ago, a story emerged about scientists working on “Smart Dust” – nanoparticles that could be employed as sensor networks for a range of security and environmental applications. This was followed by the more literal version of Smart Dust, which was designed to open […]