(John Solomon) Giuliani says he will appear virtually at debate slated for Monday against Rep. Lee Zeldin, other GOP hopefuls.
Supreme Court Appears Ready To Strike Down Restrictive New York Gun Law
(Martin Walsh) The U.S. Supreme Court appears poised to strike down a restrictive New York gun permitting law, which would be a major win for the Second Amendment and gun rights.
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Black Supremacist Cop Killer Gets Paid Speaking Gig at NY College
(Cullen Mccue) A New York college has booked convicted cop killer Jalil Muntaqim, formerly known as Anthony Bottom, for a paid speaking event on April 6. Muntaqim was among a group of “Black Liberation Army” extremists who assassinated two New York City police officers in 1971 and was also involved in a shootout with law enforcement in California. The university has marketed Muntaqim as a “political prisoner.”
“You Virtue Signaling Devil in a Blue Dress!” – NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Shamed, Heckled During Public Event at New York City Church (VIDEO)
(Alicia Powe) New York Gov. Kathy Hochul delivered remarks at St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church in New York City on Wednesday night when an outraged protester slammed the Democrat lawmaker for forcing residents of the state to comply with dangerous COVID vaccine mandates.
NY Health Commissioner Openly Admits Exaggerating Covid Epidemic to Scare Parents Into Vaxxing Children
(Kyle Becker) Covid mandates are surging again in blue states across America based on a “mostly mild” Omicron variant wave. New York City is even considering issuing a vaccine mandate for schoolchildren.
NY Governor Appoints Herself God’s Messenger, Egging Congregation to Get Vaccinated Because God Told Her So
(Mary Villareal) New York Governor Kathy Hochul called on vaccinated congregants in a Brooklyn-based evangelical megachurch to promote the New York vaccine mandates because unvaccinated people “aren’t listening to God and what God wants.”
NY: Yesterday’s COVID Heroes To Be Stripped Of Unemployment Benefits…May Be Replaced With Members of National Guard
(Patty McMurray) The Left will fight to the death for a women’s rights to kill her children, but when it comes to the right of their fellow American to decide if they want a COVID vaccination that after only one year of being introduced, already needs a booster shot to effectively protect its recipient from the CCP virus—the Left believes they should have no such right.
NY Gov. Cuomo: It’s Our ‘Mission’ to ‘Knock on Those Doors’ and ‘Get That Vaccine in their Arm’
(Kyle Becker) New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is best remembered as one of a handful of governors that killed thousands of senior citizens with a disastrous nursing home decree. But
NY Election Raises Red Flags: Poll Watchers Find *MORE* Ballots Than Voters
(Kyle Becker) The confidence in U.S. election is of paramount importance to voters who believe in the sanctity of ‘one voter, one vote.’ However, the non-partisan election watchdog SMART elections has uncovered a reported anomaly in one City Council District in the 2021 Brooklyn Primary.
“Fight of the Century”…Andrew Giuliani Announces Run Against Cuomo for NY Governor
(Leisa Audette) Who doesn’t remember a young Andrew Giuliani upstaging his father, Rudy Giuliani, years ago? If not, the video below has become a classic played over and over again. In the video, the young Andrew Giuliani raised his hand alongside his father to take the oath of office.
NY State Assembly Bill A416: The Path to Covid Concentration Camps in America
(Brandon Smith) Six months ago amid the panic and the hype surrounding the coronavirus outbreak the New Zealand government made an announcement that went mostly unnoticed by the mainstream media.