By now I’m sure everyone is aware that last week, an alleged 9th planet, not including Pluto, was discovered in our solar system. To be clear, the scientists calculated that the planet most likely exists due to gravimetric calculations, but no direct observation has occurred yet. A friend sent me this article and had the following […]
The Symbolic Meaning of ISIS And The Statue of Liberty (Isis) | Mother of Wisdom, Numerology, Kabbalah, Freemasonry and Occult Meanings
(Justin Deschamps) The following article, sheds light on the historical usage and meaning of the divine goddess symbol, and how the Statue of Liberty represents one form of the Goddess Isis. But before we begin this exploration of history, we should first understand the transformative nature of the goddess archetype, and how it is a reflection of the consciousness of humanity as a whole.
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“Wave X” Is Not A Mass Ascension Event, It’s A Step In The Entire Process Of Evolution
This is an interesting conceptual exploration of the ‘Wave X’ phenomenon but not in the usual way it has been described before. The writer does not offer any evidence to support their perspectives, but one can still contemplate them as presented for deeper meaning. One theme I found consistent is that each of us will […]
Harmonizing the Tarot, Astrology, kabbalah and Numerology – The Inner Zodiac by Michael Tsarion
Julian and I have studied the 4 metaphysical sciences in an ephemeral capacity for years. In our process of decoding fiction, we noticed how much these 4 schools of thought were reflected in them. Finding information about Numerology is fairly easy, usually during the awakening experience the synchronicity of numbers begins to be noticed. Astrology, along […]
Gematria and Numerology of Words | Osiris and Isis and Squaring The Circle: Phi the Golden Ratio, 72 Degrees and the 6/5 relationship
The following article details the mechanics of Gematria or Numerology – deciphering the occult meanings of words based on reduction processes. This occult science is easily dismissed by those who do not understand it, but once it is understood one can see that there are many words, numbers and events on earth which have a […]
Numerology in Bible: 22 bones of the skull and 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet
Source – Gnostic Warrior In numerology, the number 22 is often called the Master Builder. The Phoenician-Hebrews possess 22 books, and their alphabet is made up of 22 letters, which was created to compose the Word of God. The word of God is called a lamp (Psalms 119:105, Proverbs 6:22), and the light by which […]
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Sixes – Proton and Neutron, Saturn, Easter Island, Mount Everest, Challenger Deep, Rome and Key Largo
Source – Secrets in Plain Sight “The comb of the hive-bee, as far as we can see, is absolutely perfect in economizing labour and wax.” -Charles Darwin Euclid recognized that the hexagon shape makes most efficient use of material in space. The Pantheon dome is an Roman architectural wonder made possible by its interior honeycomb […]
The Occult significance and Numerology of MH17 (downed Malaysian flight) and the 23/17 Phenomenon
Came across this post in my research of the MH17 events over the past few days. As usual, there is a staggering number of seemingly unrelated correlations with numbers through out history and I was surprised to find a whole layer of meanings surrounding the numbers involved with the MH17 event. Note: I find absorbing […]
More on the connections of 33°33 – Deep Challenges
Source – Secrets in Plain Sight My research presents you with a series of challenges to your world-view. With discoveries like the 3333 mile distance between the ruins of Heliopolis and Mount Everest, you see either: (a) meaningless coincidence that you can immediately dismiss or (b) evidence of an advanced geodetic and metrological knowledge that […]
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Benjamin Fulford – June 30, 2014: Is ISIS a CRISIS or some kind of inside joke?
Source – Hipknowsys Sometimes events in the news seem so surreal that it becomes a guess they are not real, or at least not in the sense we see it. That is certainly the case with the declaration of the Islamic Caliphate or ISIS last week. The first thing to note, as pointed out by […]
Mathematical Fingerprint of the Universe: Understand the power of 3, 9, 6 and Vortex Mathematics
Guthrie delivers another powerful discourse on numbers, spiral energy expression and the Roden Coil. This post goes along well with Light From Sound? Sonoluminescence creating the Heat of a Sun via Implosion – Understanding Over Unity Physics. Numerology has been around for thousands of years, and it is obvious that the ancient jewish language is […]
Who is Votan? A Study of Historical Archetypes
Source – 1320 Frequency Shift Kin 62: White Planetary Wind. The tone of manifestation in the Prophecy wavespell. “Votan is the master magician.” —Madame Blavatsky–Crystal Magician Votan is a time traveler; a current of energy, thought, information and intelligence that transmigrates from one world system to another. Votan is the wisdom of the people and […]