(Staff Writer) “In Freemasonry is embedded the core or the secret heart of the occult mysteries, wrapped up on number, metaphor and symbol.”
Gematria/Numerology of Notre Dame Fire: Marcon, FreeMasons, and More
Gematria/Numerology of Notre Dame Fire: Marcon, Free Masons, and More
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Amazing Stargate Atlantis Ascension Episode Synchronicities
(Jonathan Carty) For those who are aware of the Stargate series they might know that this show features Ascension and Ascended beings as part of its main plot for several seasons. We have heard before that Stargate SG-1 has a lot of disclosure of classified intel written within its episodes and I wholeheartedly agree with this considering my extensive research into the topic of disclosure in TV and movies. I have seen the entire Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis seasons a couple of times each in addition to the Stargate: Origins series which came out earlier this year.
Number Synchronicities — What Are They and How Do They Work?
by Christine Hirlehey, There was an episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation called “Cause and Effect.” In this episode, the Enterprise was caught in a time loop in which the ship was destroyed, and then time would repeat from the beginning of the loop. The android officer, Lieutenant Data, was able to send a message […]
The MAGIC of 3.6.9 | Numerically Conceptualizing Reality- Vortex Mathematics & Sacred Geometry
(Joe Dubs) Vortex Based Mathematics transcends our myopic quantitative understanding for the way Number operates in our holographic universe. Numbers are not just mere quantities. Each has its own unique quality, archetype, and behavior. Vortex Based Math (VBM) is the study of Number in and of itself. Numeronomy as opposed to Numerology. The bedrock of the Quadrivium, Number structures our conceptual waking reality. As Pythagoras once so aptly put it, “All is Number”.
Dreams About The Event: Numerological Gematria Synchronicity
(Truth Earth) This post will be featuring some interesting connections made with the amazing marriage of numerology, synchronicity and gematria. I’ve found that all of these three things combined make for a powerful tool to uncover previously undiscovered connections to things that may or may not have gone unnoticed.
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Pi Day! | Pi Transcendence, Conscious Assimilation and the Quest for the Ultimate Metaphor
(Danieru) Rejoice! For the 3rd month, 14th day, 1st hour, 59th minute, and 26th second (3.1415926) of this year has past us by…. What does it all mean? Happy π day! Related Sacred Geometry: the Fractal Nature of Oneness? – Snowflakes are both 2d and 3d Images Source – Huge Entity by Danieru, March 14th, 2018 Rejoice! For […]
The Lion’s Gate and the Infinite Power of Eight
(Kit Walker) In the past few days I have seen so many references to the Lion’s Gate, which we have just passed through, on 8/8, but no one mentions anything about exactly where this term comes from, and why the 8th of August is the day of the Lion’s Gate. So, as a bit of […]
Coincidence? These Terrorist Attacks Occurred on the 22nd — Genesis Chapter 22, the Sacrifice of Isaac
(Jessica McBride) Coincidence? Or not? You might be surprised how many major terrorist attacks have occurred on the 22nd day of the month. At least seven, in recent years. Related 42 Government ADMITTED False Flag Attacks Source – Heavy by Jessica McBride, May 24th, 2017 There’s an eighth if you go back to 1970. There’s […]
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“Atlantis is the Land of Pi” — Illuminati & Occult Symbolism of Pi and Pi Day 3/14
Image Source. (Isaac) The number Pi (approximated to 3.1415) is one of the natural mysteries that was incorporated into many ancient sites (like the Pyramids of Giza), and also in ratios involving basic shapes such as the circle. The Freemasons are obviously interested in this number through the obvious geometrical uses, but also in the secret […]
“God’s Number”: The Origins of One
(Luis Teia) According to Plotinus (Greek philosopher of the 3rd century AC), ‘One’ is the ultimate reality and source of all existence (Yael, 2006). Philo of Alexandria (Jewish-Egyptian philosopher born during the 1st century BC) regarded the number one as God’s number, and the basis for all numbers (“De Allegoriis Legum,” ii.12 [i.66]). Like all truths, […]
Square the Circle with Earth and Moon — Mysterious Numerical Connections Reveal an Intelligent Universe
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Within science, when a phenomenon has been observed with some degree of regularity, underscored by statistically significant measurements that cannot be explained by normal means, there is a basis to support an investigation to determine if there is a principle at work. For example, the fact that the Sun regularly […]
Winter Solstice, Mayan Calendar & The Shift in Consciousness: How They’re All Connected
(Luke Miller) There has been a real buildup to today in the last few months. So much has been going on numerologically and astrologically that I have missed a chunk of it on the conscious level. However, I have certainly been feeling it, and chances are if you are reading this, you have too. Related Galactic Alignment […]
How Secret Societies Hide Sacred and Occult Knowledge in Plain Sight
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) This is an excellent resource for hidden information, not just related to the Cabal, but also revealing the interconnected nature of reality itself. Math is a language of analyzing relationships inherent in reality that if properly done, helps the evolving mind make contact with Natural or Divine law—the […]
Super Bowl 2016 Halftime Show: First Round of Symbolic Analysis
Update – February 9th 2016 – One of the videos I originally included below was marked 2016 on youtube but was actually from 2013. I have removed that video. Unfortunately, other videos of the full halftime show from this year are being taken down almost as soon as they are uploaded. If a complete video […]