(Humans Are Free) This is one of the most important posts I have ever made, so please read it.
no masks
2019 Who Review of Mask Studies Found ‘no Evidence’ They Stopped Transmission of Flu
(Daniel Payne) Whether or not the ostensible ineffectiveness of face masks in stopping influenza can be extrapolated to COVID-19 is currently unknown.
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Hot Mic Moment: Lawmakers Admit Masks Are All “Political Theater”
(Waking Times) In a hot mic moment, Pennsylvania lawmakers admitted that the masking ritual is all political theatre. The huge scam is being pushed on us from all sides, and it is beyond time to wake up to what is going on.
Trump Trolls Media for Complaining About Packed Room With COVID Guidelines: ‘It’s a Peaceful Protest’
(Daily Wire News) President Donald Trump mocked the media during a news conference on Friday evening for complaining about a room packed full of people that they claimed violated New Jersey’s COVID-19 guidelines, saying that it was a “peaceful protest.”
Netherlands Refuses To Mandate Face Masks; Sweden Says They Are ‘Pointless’
(Steve Watson) There is no proven effectiveness
Qniveristy Episode 12 – The Grand Complex Narrative of The Mask (VIDEO)
Qniveristy Episode 12 – The Grand Complex Narrative of The Mask (VIDEO)
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Georgia Governor Kemp Bans Cities from Ordering People to Wear Face Masks
(CBS News) Georgia’s Governor Brian Kemp is explicitly banning Georgia’s cities and counties from ordering people to wear masks in public places. He voided orders on Wednesday that at least 15 local governments across the state had adopted even though Kemp had earlier said cities and counties had no power to order masks during the coronavirus pandemic.