(Cara Castronuova) In an incredible display of forgiveness and compassion, convicted J6er Guy Reffitt spoke to The Gateway Pundit about how much he loves and misses his teenage son Jackson Reffitt.
LISTEN: 18 Years Ago, A Physician Called into CSPAN to Tell Fauci to Resign Over the Same Style of Bungled Messaging He’s Had During COVID.
(Natlie Winters) Nearly two decades ago, a physician called into C-SPAN and asked Dr. Anthony Fauci’s to resign, insisting that during his tenure as National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Director, America’s”ability to control infectious diseases hasn’t improved but, in fact, worsened.”
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Biden Says He is ‘Very Confident’ of Fauci Amid Coronavirus E-mail Controversy
(Daniel Payne) President Joe Biden on Friday expressed continued support for White House coronavirus adviser Anthony Fauci, declining to sideline the longtime federal official amid newly released emails that have called into question Fauci’s handling of the SARS-Cov-2 epidemic.
POLL: Americans Says Country is More Divided Under Biden.
(Natalie Winters) Despite the White House and Joe Biden campaign’s massive push for unity, most Americans see the U.S. is more divided after its first 100 days.
Joe Biden Can’t Walk, and the Hypocrisy Is Mind-Blowing
(Nwo Report) Today, White House resident Joe Biden showed the world that he’s incapable of walking up a set of stairs in a stiff breeze (yes, the administration actually blamed the wind).
Explosive! BACTERIA Killed People in the 1918 Pandemic & Fauci KNEW (Reuters Fact-Check Accidentally CONFIRMS Everything it Tries to Debunk)
(Silviu “Silview” Costinescu) I hear there’s many more “fact-checks” on this, published by other presstitutes, that all seem copied from the same press-release or something…
Wisconsin Doctor Suffered Miscarriage after Covid Vaccine, Tweeted #vaccineswork
(Ethan Huff) Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce, M.D., is making headlines after suffering a horrific miscarriage following her Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination.
Let’s Look Back At Trump’s Super Bowl Commercial
(Anthony T) As a child watching Super Bowl commercials was better than the game itself!
Why Lockdowns Don’t Work And Hurt The Most Vulnerable
(Dr. Mercola) In a December 9, 2020, Twitter thread,1 Michael P. Senger, an attorney and author of the September 2020 article,2 “China’s Global Lockdown Propaganda Campaign,” reviewed the largely hidden impacts of global lockdowns. Ivor Cummins’ video above also reviews data showing just how “hugely ineffective” lockdowns have been.
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“The Bad Guys NEVER Win!”: Lin Wood Releases EPIC Video…Then Announces GA’s Corrupt Sec Of State Declined To Testify Before Georgia House
(Allan Miller) Lin Wood released a killer video this morning – you just have to see it. The good guys versus the Deep State.
YouTube Gets Brutally Ratioed After Attempting Woke Takedown Of Thanksgiving
(Steve Watson) YouTube found out that Americans are in no mood for yet another woke lecture about their holidays this week when it received overwhelming backlash for posts slating Thanksgiving.
Threat To Democracy’: CNN Sounds Alarm Over Conservatives Leaving Twitter, Facebook
( Daily Wire News) In a segment this week discussing how the political Right is handling the results of the 2020 presidential election, CNN reporter Pamela Brown suggested that it was a “threat to democracy” that people were turning away from dominant social media platforms like Facebook and signing up to be on more pro-free speech platforms and sites.
READ IT: House Republicans Sue Pelosi For Defying ‘231-Year Constitutional Tradition’ With Proxy Voting. Pelosi Responds.
(Eric Quintanar) House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) filed a lawsuit against Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Tuesday evening in an attempt to block the House of Representatives from allowing representatives to vote on behalf of up to ten other members of Congress as a designated proxy voter.
Zombie Science: Researchers Kept The Brains Of Decapitated Pigs Alive For 36 Hours
(Dagny Taggart) Scientists seem to be crossing a lot of boundaries as of late, which begs the question: Just because they can do something, does it mean they should?
25 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to Be True
(Justin Deschamps) The following 25 conspiracy theories are verified to be true and accurate. This is important information to understand because it dispels the false reality pushed by the Deep State that leads people to believe there are no conspiracies.