(Exploring Your Mind) People affected by addiction go from impulsivity to compulsivity. These two stages can also coexist, but they usually happen in that order.
The Human Microbiome Is a Treasure Trove Waiting to Be Unlocked
(Neuroscience News) Understanding the complexity of the human microbiome may help unlock mysteries behind health and psychological illnesses.
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How Expectation Influences Perception
(Neuroscience News) For decades, research has shown that our perception of the world is influenced by our expectations.
Unraveling the Brain’s Reward Circuits
(Neuroscience News) Study reveals how ArGP and dopamine neurons are linked, and how food and drugs affect them differently. The findings offer clues for the development of new treatments for obesity and substance use disorders.
Exercise, Memory and Learning Linked by Science: A Short Bout of Exercise Enhances Brain Function
(Science Daily) Neuroscientists, working with mice, have discovered that a short burst of exercise directly boosts the function of a gene that increases connections between neurons in the hippocampus, the region of the brain associated with learning and memory.
Cannabidiol is a Powerful New Antibiotic
(Neuroscience) New research has found that Cannnabidiol is active against Gram-positive bacteria, including those responsible for many serious infections (such as Staphyloccocus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae), with a potency similar to that of established antibiotics such as vancomycin or daptomycin. The research is presented at ASM Microbe, the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.
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Bystanders Will Intervene to Help Victims of Aggressive Public Disputes
(Neuroscience News) Reviewing CCTV footage, researchers report in nine out of ten instances of public violence, bystanders will intervene to help the victim. Bystanders will intervene in nine-out-of-ten public fights to help victims of aggression and violence say researchers, in the largest ever study of real-life conflicts captured by CCTV.
Information Addiction: How Information Is like Snacks, Money, and Drugs to Your Brain
(Neuroscience) A new study by researchers at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business has found that information acts on the brain’s dopamine-producing reward system in the same way as money or food.
Music Helps to Build the Brains of Very Premature Babies
(Neuroscience) In Switzerland, as in most industrialized countries, nearly 1% of children are born “very prematurely”, i.e. before the 32nd week of pregnancy, which represents about 800 children yearly.