(Tom Pappert) Gupta admits he did not perform his job duties as CNN’s health expert
CNN Ratings Plunge Since Trump Left Office – Fake News Network Loses Nearly 70% of Its Viewers
(Cristina Laila) CNN’s ratings have plunged since Trump left office.
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OpEd: I’m as Mad as Hell and I’m Not Going to Take It Anymore!
(Barbara H Whitfield RT) Those were the words that we all heard many years ago from Peter Finch playing Howard Beale in the excellent film Network.
Conservative Network Newsmax Surges In Ratings – Already Beating The FOX Business Network
(Mike LaChance) FOX News may have made a colossal mistake. They had one of the most loyal audiences in cable television. But after their reportage of the 2020 election, and particularly election night, the landscape is changing fast.