(Olivia Cook) Frankincense has been used as a natural remedy by various cultures for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians used frankincense as an insect repellant, a perfume and a salve, while ancient Greeks and Romans used it as a remedy for various conditions. Natural healers in ancient China also used frankincense extensively.
EMF/RF/5G/IOUT Greece Just “Won” the Race to 5G. Poor Greece. Poor Bees.
(Patricia Burke) Remember all the hype about “the race to 5G” and how important it was supposed to be for economic dominance in the 21st century? Whoever “won” was going to have a huge advantage over other countries that didn’t rush to put in 5G everywhere. Or so the narrative went.
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How Ancient Trees Created America
(Neenah Payne) Americans are taught that the Boston Tea Party ignited the American Revolutionary War because the colonists found the British tea tax tea intolerable. That’s part of the story, but it misses the pivotal turning point of our history — one we need to understand now before we destroy the planet.
Integrated Pest Management: How to Sustainably Keep the Pests Out
(Jayne Rising) Today’s agriculture relies heavily on the use of pesticides. Even home gardeners don’t seem to have a problem applying Preen to keep the morning glory from sprouting and Sevin to eradicate what does grow. Unfortunately, while pesticides do have their uses, they also have many, many drawbacks.
Global Shortage of Commercial Fertilizers Will Affect the Already Struggling Food Supply Chain
(The Organic Prepper) As if we don’t have enough problems with shortages, it seems there’s a global shortage of commercial fertilizers as well. These inputs are required to produce the amount of food needed to feed everyone. A lack of fertilizer will cut significantly into food production. That, of course, will lead to even higher prices at the grocery store.
Will a Taser Stop an Alligator?
(Tim Makay) Firearms are the premier defensive weapon of our time, whether you are trying to protect yourself against hostile humans or aggressive, dangerous animals.
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Thousands of Dead Sea Creatures Washing Up on UK Beaches in “Waist-Deep” Piles
(Cassie B.) Thousands of dead sea creatures have been washing up on British beaches and collecting in waist-high piles in a phenomenon that has scientists scrambling to find answers.
After Disappearing For Years, Hundreds of 3-Eyed Animals Emerge
(Amanda Thomason, The Western Journal) Rain brings life, especially in the more notoriously arid environments. Plants flourish, animals thrive and life abounds after water hits the earth.
Pumpkin Seed Oil Found to Reduce Hypertension Risk in Postmenopausal Women
(Ralph Flores) An international study by researchers from the U.S. and Iran has found that pumpkin seed oil can potentially reduce the risk of hypertension in women. In their study, published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, the team looked at how supplementing with pumpkin seed oil can impact vascular function in postmenopausal women.
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Water Purifier Inspired by Mangrove Trees Can Draw Salt From Water
(Mary Villareal) Researchers have developed a new type of water purifier that mimics the way mangrove trees remove salt from salt water. This study not only offers a better understanding of the plants’ plumbing system, it could also lead to creating new desalination technologies.
Lake Babe in Russia Mysteriously Disappears
(Mary Villareal) Lake Babe in Voronezh region in Russia has suddenly evaporated. The almost perfectly round-shaped natural monument spans almost 157 hectares.
11 of the Most Beautiful Animals in the World
(Exploring Your Mind) It’s impossible to put together a list of the most beautiful animals in the world because there are far too many. However, we’ve put together a list of 11 of them.
Nature Is Racist? ‘Systemic Racism’ Blocks Black People From Going Outdoors
(The Scoop) A report published by Outside Interactive alleged that America’s historically racist policies have contributed to “the nature gap,” resulting in black Americans having less enjoyment of the so-called “great outdoors.”
#UNRIG: Reject the Corporate State’s ‘Permanent Emergency’ (Lessons From 9/11)
(Ben Bartee) Join in battle Robert David Steele to #UNRIG from the decadent, corrupt oligarchy currently at the helm of the neoliberal US police state.
#UNRIG: On God’s Reflection in Nature, Undefeated American Hope, and Popular Resistance to Corporate Tyranny
(Ben Bartee) To the extent that such a singular entity persists, the American Spirit is not housed in the mazelike corridors of Manhattan streets amid a polluted concrete sea of billboards selling a consumerist nightmare, nor in the pedophile-riddled studios of decadent Hollywood.