(Kyle Becker) The first state National Guard unit has made itself clear to the Department of Defense it has no intention of enforcing its Covid-19 vaccine mandate.
national guard
KENOSHA: 500 National Guard Troops On Standby In Anticipation Of Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict, As Prosecution’s Case Falls Apart
(Patty McMurray) Wisconsin’s Democrat Governor Tony Evers will have 500 National Guard troops on hand to assist local law enforcement next week in anticipation of the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.
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New York Calling in National Guard to Fill Hospital Staffing Shortages Due to Vaccine Mandates
(Cassie B.) New York Governor Kathy Hochul has said that she is considering using the National Guard to fill hospital staffing shortages that are expected as tens of thousands of workers potentially lose their jobs for failing to meet a COVID-19 vaccine mandate deadline.
NY: Yesterday’s COVID Heroes To Be Stripped Of Unemployment Benefits…May Be Replaced With Members of National Guard
(Patty McMurray) The Left will fight to the death for a women’s rights to kill her children, but when it comes to the right of their fellow American to decide if they want a COVID vaccination that after only one year of being introduced, already needs a booster shot to effectively protect its recipient from the CCP virus—the Left believes they should have no such right.
Shocking Executive Order Signed by Tennessee’s GOP Governor Authorizes Quarantines, Involuntary Internment for Covid Enforced by National Guard
(JD Heyes) Up to now during the COVID-19 pandemic, most Republican governors opted to protect the rights and individual freedoms of their citizens and against imposing top-down lockdowns and mandates that robbed people of liberties and their ability to decide for themselves, as Americans, what their own best courses of action would be in terms of self-isolation, getting a vaccine, socially distancing, or wearing a mask.
Exercise: National Guard is Preparing for a Major Cyberattack to Shut Down Utilities Across the United States
(Humans Are Free) After the hacking of the Colonial Pipeline shook the country’s fuel supply, the National Guard is preparing for a major cyberattack that shuts down utilities across the United States.
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National Guard Threatens To Cancel Training, Exercises If Not Reimbursed For $521M Capitol Deployment
(Martin Walsh) The U.S. National Guard is threatening to cancel their training and exercises if they are not reimbursed roughly $521 million.
To Defend Its Freedom, Taiwan Must Create A National Guard
(Chuck DeVore) Taiwan is a self-ruled democratic republic of almost 24 million people and one of the freest nations on the planet. Unfortunately for Taiwan, it sits some 90 miles away from the People’s Republic of China across the Taiwan Strait.
Minnesota National Guard at Labor Center Screamed at to “Get Out!” by Leftist Activists Who They Were Protecting
(100 Percent Fed Up) On Friday, Leftist activists and Union members gathered to protest at the St. Paul Labor Center where the MN National Guard was stationed to protect surrounding communities from the riot violence. Although the National Guard was there to protect the protesters, their establishment, and their community from severe damage, they were ridiculed nonetheless to the point of having to withdraw from the location.
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BREAKING: Minnesota National Guard Shot At Just Hours After Maxine Waters Incited Violence
(Andrew White) Two soldiers with the Minnesota National Guard sustained injuries after someone shot at them early Sunday morning in north Minneapolis just hours after Democrat US Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) urged BLM and ANTIFA rioters to get “more active, more confrontational.”
National Guard Soldier Dies While Stationed At U.S. Capitol As Many Are Poisoned With Under Cooked Food, Metal Shavings
(Andrew White) The soldier died of an “unspecified medical emergency” weeks after soldiers reported receiving poisoned food.
Military Agrees to Keep Thousands of National Guard Troops at US Capitol for Weeks to Protect Corrupt Democrats who are Terrified of the American People
(Joe Hoft) The Democrats are still frightened of the American people. Per their request, the military will keep thousands of National Guard troops at the US Capital for another ten weeks.
Trump Confirms He Called For 10,000 National Guard Which Pelosi Refused.
(Natalie Winters) Donald Trump confirmed reports he requested 10,000 National Guard troops ahead of the January 6th rally in Washington, D.C.
HUGE REPORT: Pelosi’s ‘Conversations’ With Sgt At Arms Responsible For Lack Of National Guard On January 6
(Natalie Winters) Former Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving’s discussions with Nancy Pelosi factored into his “blender of decision making” to delay deploying the National Guard at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, according to reports from the Daily Caller.
Report: National Guard To Stay In DC ‘Through Fall 2021’
(Steve Watson) A leaked email suggests that there are plans to keep the National Guard in Washington DC beyond the previously discussed deadline of March 12th, and throughout the Summer AND Fall.