(Zero Hedge) At a conference at the Johnson Space Center in Houston last week, Jim Bridenstine, a top official of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), told reporters that the agency wants “lots of humans in space,”according to Space.com.
Scientists Baffled by Giant Hexagon Towering Through Saturn’s Atmosphere
(Jake Anderson) A stunning discovery has scientists baffled by the second-largest planet in the solar system. Saturn, a gas giant composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, contains a mysterious high-altitude hexagonal vortex in the upper atmosphere of its north pole. The new long-term study, facilitated by the international Cassini mission, reveals that this hexagon towers hundreds of miles into the stratosphere of the planet and is geometrically precise.
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UFO Researcher Spots Strange Buildings and Structures on Lunar Surface
(Nirmal Narayanan) After analyzing various lunar photos released by NASA and other space agencies, a UFO researcher named Tyler Glockner has spotted a white square-shaped structure which made many people believe that aliens are living on earth’s natural satellite. In the video, the UFO researcher also indirectly alleged that NASA is trying to coverup many secrets surrounding alien presence in the moon.
The Biggest Military Hack Ever Exposes NASA Secret “America Has Space Warships”
(Metro) A hacker who faced a ten year legal battle after allegedly breaking into NASA computers has talked about what he found there.
Evidence Suggests The Moon Isn’t What We Think – Someone Might Have Put It There
(Arjun Walia) Controversy has surrounded the Moon for a very long time, we have leaks, research and information from some very credible sources who have, over a span of decades, been relaying to the public that our Moon is not what we think it is, and that there’s also some type of extraterrestrial presence on the Moon.
NASA Astronaut Says He Saw An ‘Organic, Alien-Like Creature’ in Shuttle Payload Bay
(Ivan) NASA Astronaut Leland Melvin claims he saw what appeared to be an ‘organic, alien-like’ creature in the Space Shuttle payload bay and even reported the sighing to ground control.
Former Apollo Astronaut Claims Ancient Alien Astronauts Created the Human Race
(Ivan) The idea that Ancient Aliens created the human race has fascinated countless authors and researchers for decades.
The Sun is Changing Shape and we have No Idea Why
(Adam Goldberg) In a strangely perfect detail about our own Sun in the grand scope of things and the entire known universe, it seems that it is quite an average star. Despite how average our Sun is, it produces so many different phenomena that scientists and independent researchers can really only begin to grasp.
NASA Has Been Covering Up the Truth About Life on Mars
(Isabelle Z.) NASA announced recently that it discovered organic molecules on Mars. In a press release, the agency said that the Curiosity rover discovered new evidence in rocks suggesting the planet may have supported ancient life, along with new evidence in the planet’s atmosphere related to the search to find current life on the planet.
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The Mysterious Pyramids of the Amazon—Spotted by A NASA Satellite In 1976
(Ivan) In 1976, NASA’s Landsat Satellite was orbiting Earth when it photographed mysterious dots in southeast Peru, at 71 degrees, 30 minutes west longitude in the Madre de Dios region of the Amazon.
The Photon Belt: The Coming of a New Age
(Mary Sutherland) In 1961 science discovered, by means of satellites, a photon belt encircling the Pleiades. This photon belt * circles the Pleiadian system at an absolute right angle to its orbital planes. As our sun (and we with it) orbits the Pleiades once every 25,860 years, it reaches the midpoint of the photon belt approximately every 12,500 years. It requires some 2,000 years to traverse it, meaning that after departing this realm, another 10,500 years pass before our Solar System enters it again.
Chemtrails: The Tools Of Slavery And Transhumanism
(Luga) There is no longer any pretence in the validity of chemtrails, or geoengineering. NASA, CIA, and many other institutions have come out and openly admitted to the activity. What is not discussed is why and how this program came into being or what it is for.
Climate Engineering Cover-Up: Geoengineering Over Our Oceans
(Dane Wigington) NASA tells us that the shockingly visible and very extensive “tracks” (or trails) being witnessed on satellite imagery over oceans are ALL the result of pollution being produced by ships, which is in turn creating “clouds” as an unintended consequence. Does the “official narrative” from NASA actually hold up to an examination of the facts? Please view the 7 minute video below and come to your own conclusions.
The First UFO Sighting On The Moon Occurred In 1668, And Its Recorded In NASA’s Archive
(Ivan) Throughout the Middle Ages, visions of strange happenings were nearly always attributed to God or to the supernatural. What people couldn’t explain was immediately elevated in the statue to the divine.
NASA Scours Pacific Ocean for Huge Object That Caused Sonic Boom After Falling From Space
(Callum Hoare) NASA has sent a submarine to hunt for the remains of an object that fell from space, which caused a bright flash and boom as it entered the Earth’s atmosphere.