(Anthony McLennan) Ceres, situated between Mars and Jupiter, has a large reservoir of salty water trapped beneath its frigid surface, scientists have recently announced.
NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof Of Climate Engineering — HAARP Waves and Chemtrails
(Dane Wigington) As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.
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NASA Actually Recorded Strange And Chilling Sound In Space
(John Vibes) For a long time, many experts believed that there was no sound in space because it is a vacuum, but sound does exist in the form of electromagnetic vibrations, you just need the right tools to be able to hear it. NASA scientists with the Van Allen Probes mission were able to record these sounds, and have given them different classifications.
NASA Believes Alien Life May Be Hiding in Caves on Mars
(Aaron Kesel) Some scientists believe that flexible robots should be created to explore the cave systems on Mars.
The Space Shuttle Attacks — UFOs, Secret Space Program, Conspiracy (Part 2/16)
NASA Officials ‘Baffled’ After Space Cameras Catch UFO Following ISS for Over 20 Minutes
(Oli Smith) A BIZARRE UFO hovering between Earth and the International Space Station was caught on a live camera feed by NASA in incredible footage that lasts over 20 minutes.
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NASA Images Reveal Massive Drop in Pollution in China Following Coronavirus Outbreak
(Franz Walker) Scientists monitoring the ongoing the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in China have found one surprising bit of silver lining. Satellite images from NASA revealed a significant drop in pollution over some of China’s biggest cities.
NASA Scientists Admits Chemtrails
(Alexander Light) Being questioned by Sue, a courageous and concerned citizen, NASA scientist Douglas E. Rowland admits chemtrails are real, during a phone conversation.
NASA’s Discovery of Magnetic Portals That “Open & Close” Every Day May Connect to Ancient Esoteric Knowledge
(Merrill Cushman) In 2012, NASA funded the research of Jack Scudder, from the University of Iowa, who studied a phenomenon unlike no other.
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Solar Flash (the Event) Galactic Sheet Impact | Timing the Arrival
Solar Flash (the Event) Galactic Sheet Impact | Timing the Arrival
After Detecting Life on Mars in 1976 and Sweeping It Under the Rug, NASA Banned Life-Detection Experiments to Hide the Truth from the World
(Mike Adams) Yes, there is life on Mars, and NASA has known about it for four decades. Their own Viking lander experiment confirmed the presence of life on Mars, but instead of sharing this groundbreaking discovery with the world, NASA chose to bury the truth and hide the science for decades.
Antarctica Shock: How NASA Was Stunned by ‘Unexpected Creature’ 600 Feet Below Ice
(Callum Hoare) NASA was left stunned after scientists captured snaps of an “unexpected creature” 600 feet below the ice, resurfaced footage from 2010 shows.
Ex-NASA Scientist “Convinced” Alien Life Was Found on Mars Over 40 Years Ago
(Elias Marat) The respected scientist believes that he found proof of life on Mars in 1976, but NASA is unwilling to acknowledge it.
Life on the Red Planet: Meteorite from Mars Shows Evidence of “Fossilized Bacteria”
(Edsel Cook) Two decades ago, NASA researchers presented a meteorite from Mars that reportedly displayed signs of microbial life. Now, their Hungarian counterparts have made a similar announcement with a different sample obtained from the same region in Antarctica.
Lunar Anomalies That Imply Someone Else Must Be On The Moon
Lunar Anomalies That Imply Someone Else Must Be On The Moon