(Cristina Laila) New photos released from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office show a padded headboard and carpeted floor in comedian Bob Saget’s Ritz-Carlton hotel room.
Alien oil? Mystery Liquid Falls from Sky over Eastern Las Vegas Neighborhood
(NWO Report) People in one Eastern Las Vegas neighborhood near Hollywood Blvd. and Charleston Ave. have been completely perplexed for weeks as mysterious brown or black droplets have fallen on their properties.
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Unexplained Excess Mass in Human Chromosomes Puzzles Scientists
(Evangelyn Rodriguez) Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, only one of which determines a person’s sex-linked characteristics. The remaining 22 pairs contain bundles of genetic instructions that help determine the other, non-sex-related traits. Since the discovery of DNA, researchers have endeavored to learn all there is to know about these coded sequences, including how much they weigh. The Human Genome Project, which was launched in 1990, provided an answer to this. But in a new study published in the journal Chromosome Research, British researchers discovered that the mass of human chromosomes, which house all of a person’s DNA, far exceeds theoretical values. Even after accounting for all other components (i.e., histone proteins), all 46 chromosomes still weighed considerably more than the DNA they contained.
Mysterious Image Posted to McAfee’s Instagram After He Was Reported Dead Sparks Conspiracy Theories
(Jack Davis) There is nothing quite like a social media post from the dead to stir up conspiracy theories.
Mystery Surrounds Pretend Doctor Jill Biden Pretending to Be in Charge of Task Force for “Reuniting Immigrant Families”
(Leisa Audette) Mystery surrounds the flip-flop of Jill Biden’s role as the leader of a White House task force to reunite immigrant families. The media was all over the news with article after article touting Jill Biden as the leader in this effort. Suddenly, the word from the first lady’s office is that she has “no formal role” in this effort. Wait! What about all of those announcements?
That’s not natural! Mysterious cloud circles appear over Swiss Alps
(Strange Sounds) The eerie sky formation hovered over the Eiger, a 3,967-metre (13,015 ft) mountain of the Bernese Alps.
Solving the Mystery of the Great Pyramid of Egypt (2020 Documentary)
Solving the Mystery of the Great Pyramid of Egypt (2020 Documentary)
STEVE Just Got a Little Bit Weirder
(Strange Sounds) Unlike the infamous Southern and Northern Lights, STEVE appears as a purplish-white ribbon of light that slashes diagonally toward the horizon, stretching hundreds of miles through the atmosphere.
Thousands of Birds Dive-bomb into Homes and Attack People in Santa Cruz, California (Video)
(Strange Sounds) Yes! It seems that ‘The Birds’ by Alfred Hitchcock is inspired by a very real weird phenomenon that occurred in Santa Cruz, California in 1961.
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Very Bright Leonid Fireball Explodes over Spain (Video)
(Meteor Shower Tonight) On 16 November 2020, 3:49 local time, a very bright meteor fireball exploded over southern Spain and was captured by all-sky cameras at Sevilla, La Hita (Toledo) and Calar Alto (Almería).
Mysterious Sounds and Vibrations Rattle Villagers and Cracks Homes in India
(Strange Sounds) Strange loud sounds accompanied by rumblings and vibrations emerging from the ground are rattling residents of India since the beginning of last month.
Earth Keeps Pulsating Every 26 Seconds and No One Knows Why
(Strange Sounds) Why is Earth pulsating every 26 seconds, and why can’t scientists explain it after 60 years? This is an enigma wrapped in a periodically predictable mystery motion.
New Fast Radio Bursts from Inside the Milky Way May Solve More than One Major Cosmic Mystery
(Strange Sounds) Magnetar SGR 1935+2154, which in April emitted the first known fast radio burst from inside the Milky Way, has flared up once more, giving astronomers yet another chance to solve more than one major cosmic mystery.
Strange spiral appears off Black Sea coast
(Strange Sounds) A rare phenomenon formed in Abkhazia, on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, on September 23, 2020.
CIA, Weaponized Lightning, and Mysterious Bird Deaths
(Joseph P. Farrel) Lately, as you can tell, I’ve been blogging about Sudden Animal Deaths, the decline of insect populations, and so on. And I’ve been entertaining the idea for some time that these deaths might be due to the unintended consequences of increased environmental ambient electromagnetic radiation, or in some cases, as the deliberate result of the tests of electromagnetically based exotic weaponry. With respect to the latter hypothesis, I’ve entertained it with regard to the sudden deaths of whole flights of birds in mid-air, and – in an entirely different context – with respect to some of the anomalous photos and videos witnesses have gathered from fires in Australia and California. In regard to the latter, I’ve even gone so far as to suggest that the power grid itself might have been weaponized as the broadcast antenna for the fires by simply sending transients through the wires and into homes. With respect to the recent sudden death of a herd of elephants in Africa, I’ve entertained the idea of a lightning weapons test.