(Staff Writer) Within the last 3 days, mysterious booms were reported in Canada, in the US and in UK.
mysterious booms
Mysterious Men in Black Question Residents About Unexplained Booms
(Brett Tingley) The ongoing saga of the mystery booms being heard across the United States continues, and possibly taken a turn for the spooky. Over the past year, unexplained explosions and booming noises have been shaking homes and terrifying residents in many rural parts of the continental U.S.
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Hundreds of People Shaken After Another Mysterious ‘Boom’ Sound Rocks Pennsylvania
(Arjun Walia) Mysterious sounds heard all over the world have researchers completely stumped. They’ve been happening for quite some time, with the latest example coming from Pennsylvania, with multiple townships being affected by these mysterious sounds, feeling their vibration and waking them up in the middle of the night. It wasn’t long ago when residents in Alabama were left baffled when a loud boom resounded across much of the state.
Mysterious Booms Across Pennsylvania Trigger FBI Investigation
(Zero Hedge) For the past month, residents in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, have been reporting mysterious booms overnight. However, nobody — not even local authorities — can explain.
What Is Causing These Mysterious Loud ‘BOOMS’ Heard Around The World?
(Shivali) Residents in Alabama were left baffled last week when a loud boom resounded across much of the state. Related Why Sound Heals | Cymatics, Entrainment, Mandalas, Frequencies and DNA Source – Collective Evolution by Shivali, November 21st, 2017 The boom, nicknamed ‘Bama Boom’, has left experts stumped, with suggested causes ranging from supersonic aircrafts to meteors […]