(Ben Wetmore) Gonzalo Lira is a journalist, YouTube personality, and ‘manosphere’ writer going by the name “Coach Red Pill.” Lira also had an active Telegram channel.
Transgender Serial Killer Shopped at 99 Cent Store with Murder Victim’s Dismembered Leg (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) An 83-year-old transgender serial killer shopped at a 99 cent store in Brooklyn with one of his victim’s dismembered legs hidden on the seat of his wheelchair.
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Latest Information Shows the FBI Continues to Try to Hide Facts About the Murder of Seth Rich
(Larry Johnson) This year marks the sixth anniversary of the murder of DNC staffer, Seth Rich, by unknown assailants on July 14, 2016. For more than four years the FBI insisted that it was never involved actively in the investigation of Seth Rich’s murder and that it never opened a case. That lie was exposed in December 2020 thanks to the dogged legal work of Ty Clevenger when the FBI conceded:
Daunte Wright Victims Speak Out After Cop Who Accidentally Shot and Killed Him Is Convicted of Murder: He “Shot His Own Friend in the Head, Broke Into a Neighbor’s Home, Robbed a Woman at Gunpoint”
(Adam Wilson) Yesterday, Minneapolis-area police officer Kim Potter was found guilty of first and second-degree manslaughter in the accidental shooting death of Daunte Wright in April 2021.
Joe Biden Fans Flames, Says Arbery Verdict “Not Enough” to Ensure Equal Justice
(Cristina Laila) Joe Biden on Wednesday popped off shortly after a Georgia jury found all three men in the trial of the killing of fake “jogger” Ahmaud Arbery guilty of murder.
Husband Of Woman Killed By Alec Baldwin Is Attorney For Latham & Watkins
(Jonathan Davis) The cinematographer who was shot and killed by actor Alec Baldwin with a prop gun on Thursday was married to a corporate lawyer employed by a law firm involved in defending an attorney who worked with the 2016 campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Is the Biden Administration trying Murder Its Opponents?
(William Sullivan) Imagine a doctor standing at a patient’s bedside. The patient is deathly ill, and will likely die without the aid of that life-support device resting by his bed.
Family of Trump Supporter Murdered By Antifa Militant Files Lawsuit Against Portland City, Mayor, and DA
(Cassandra Fairbanks) The estate of Aaron ‘Jay’ Danielson, who was murdered by Antifa militant Michael Reinoehl following a pro-Trump rally, has filed a lawsuit against the city of Portland, the mayor and the county district attorney for negligence.
The Warden Responsible For Holding Ghislaine Maxwell CHARGED WITH MURDER
(Vince) There sure are a lot of strange occurrences around this case, aren’t there?
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NYC Psychiatrist Tells Yale Audience She Fantasizes about Shooting White People in the Head and Burying Their Body with Her Bloody Hands
(News Editors) A New York City-based psychiatrist recently told a Yale audience that she fantasizes about shooting white people in the head, burying their body and walking away guiltless.
South Africa: 5 Police Officers Arrested in Connection with Ghastly Crucifixion Murder of Brendin Horner
(Richard Abelson) 5 police officers have been arrested for cattle rustling in South Africa, in connection with the brutal murder of farm Manager Brendin Horner last October.
Study Undermines Dems’ Gun Control Narrative by Showing No Link Between Gun Sales and Murder Spikes
(Jack Davis) A basis for Democratic claims about gun control is that limiting the number of guns Americans own makes people safer because the more guns people own, the less safe everyone else becomes.
Black Lives Matter Marxists Blame US for ‘Undermining Cubans’ Right to Choose their Own Government;” Praise Communist Leaders as they Beat and Murder Their People
(Julian Conradson) The Marxist leaders of BLM released a statement yesterday condemning the United States and blaming them entirely for the situation in Cuba, saying it was the US’ “inhumane” treatment that sparked the protests. The idiotic claims were made while simultaneously praising Cuba’s communist leaders who are currently beating and murdering their people as they demand freedom from the oppressive regime.
Chicago Rapper Ambushed by Two Gunmen and Shot 64 Times After Walking Out of Jail
(Joe Hoft) The lawlessness in Chicago continues.
FBI Email: “Clintons Hired To Murder Seth Rich”
(Nwo Report) The FBI released thousands of pages of documents on Friday about murdered DNC whistleblower Seth Rich.