(Jonathan Carty) Since I have my laptop back I will be able to compile the several possible references to the Chimera Group who we have just learned are Arachnid beings incarnated into humanoid bodies. After Cobra revealed this just recently my mind went back to several shows and movies where a spider or something similar to a spider was depicted as being the very top of the control structure, which is the case for this planet.
Illuminati Symbolism in Justice League film: Gnosticism, Goddess and Saturnian Cubes
(Isaac Weishaupt) Today we’ll take a look at the DC super hero film Justice League. While it wasn’t received as that great of a film; it shows us Gnostic principles and pushes the narrative that man can evolve into something “better.” Join along as we explore the Illuminati symbolism contained within this film…
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Here are 410 Movies Made Under the Direct Influence and Supervision of the Pentagon
(Zero Hedge) A year ago we featured a detailed report by authors Tom Secker and Matthew Alford exposing just how vast the Pentagon and CIA programs for partnering with Hollywood actually are, based on some 4,000 new pages of formerly classified archived documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.
Top Ten Masonic Movies and References to Freemasonry Secrets in Films: Part One and Two by Duncan Burden
(Duncan Burden) There have been several masonic movies that draw their plots directly by referencing Freemasonry, such as the comedy ‘Are You a Mason?’ in 1915 and remade in 1934, and Johnny Depp’s horror-thriller ‘From Hell’ in 2001 which shows the conspiracy elements linking Victorian English Freemasons involved with the notorious Jack the Ripper.