(Tim Makay) But before you go and chow down on a bunch of fresh-picked berries, you had better know which ones are safe to eat and which ones are poisonous.
Modern survival Online
The 10 Best Emergency Water Filters
(Tim Makay) Water is absolutely essential for survival. there are very few preppers who need reminding of that fact, but I fear that there are quite a few who truly understand just how bad things can get, and how fast if you do not have reliable access to clean drinking water.
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Your Guide To Living Off The Land – Start Here
(Perrin Adams) For some, living off the land is a far-fetched dream that would be great if it happened, but seldom does.
Does Activated Charcoal Go Bad? After How Long?
(Tim Makay) Activated charcoal is a substance that is wondrously effective at absorbing even trace amounts of other materials. From the air, from the water, it does not matter.
8 Clever Survival Uses for Glycerin
(Tim Makay) Smart preppers will always attempt to cover as many bases as possible with their supplies and provisions.
Here’s How to Survive a Mugging
(Tim Makay) In the self-defense realm, preventing yourself and your loved ones from getting mugged is a recurring theme, and you’ll come across no shortage of self-defense experts who have seemingly unearthed the secrets of foiling a mugging with 100% certainty.
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Can You Really Eat Snow in Survival Situations
(Tim Makay) Cold weather survival offers many challenges compared to other environments, but one of the perks, if you want to call it that, is the abundance of fresh water to be had in the form of snow.
How to Use a Map and Compass – an Advanced Navigation System
(Harrison Caine) You are familiar with the use of a compass and a map, and their supporting roles in defining navigation.
12 Plants that Will Surely Deter Trespassers
(Tim Makay) Keeping trespassers off your property and intruders out of your home is always to your benefit, but traditional barriers like fences, gates and bars are eyesores and can be expensive.
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Kids In The Kitchen: 21 Age-Appropriate Chores
(Tim Makay) Kids spending time in the kitchen is an important part of life, because they need to be familiar with the basics of preparing food. But it’s also important for their survival.
Suburban Survival: The Only Guide You Will Need
(Tim Makay) When it comes to discussions of survival, particularly long-term survival, the topic centers around two environments: Urban environments, because they are viewed as particularly difficult and rural environments, because this is the ideal environment to survive it.
How to Stockpile Emergency Toilet Paper
(John Rourke) Not everything we need to acquire as preppers falls into one of the three Bs: bullets, beans and bandages.
So, Will a Campfire Keep Wild Animals Away?
(Tim Makay) When camping in any remote area of wilderness, preppers are often advised to build a campfire not only to stay warm, but also to keep wild animals away. good advice, considering that many wild animals can be a nuisance at your campsite and some can be quite dangerous. but some reports abound of animals in remote places that show no fear of fire.
How Much Wood Do I Need to Heat My House?
(Tim Makay) We might enjoy all of the many varieties of modern heating systems, but for off-grid homesteads an emergency backup heat it is hard to argue against, be it for an open, traditional fireplace, or a dedicated wood burning stove.
13 Bug Out Scenarios to Practice Today
(Tim Makay) Most preppers who claim they are serious about survival talk about bugging out, but they don’t really plan for it.