(Amanda Thomason) A nearly impossible reunion has taken place, thanks to a good Samaritan adventurer and volunteers with a rescue group in Lake Tahoe, California.
Massachusetts Man Was Completely Swallowed By A Humpback Whale And Survived!
(Anthony T) Most of you have heard the Biblical story about Jonah and the whale but what about the Massachusetts man and the Humpback whale?
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The Miracle on the Hudson – A Story about Intuition
(Exploring Your Mind) 10 years have passed since the Miracle in the Hudson. Now, what Captain Sully did wasn’t a “miracle” for psychologists. It was more of an action taken by an expert mind guided by intuition and years of expertise.
The Astrology of Qanon
(Astrologer Salvador Russo) Q is the seventeenth letter in the English alphabet and you’d be surprised and perhaps shocked at how often the number 17 shows itself through Q astrology. The mysterious and powerful Qanon movement was born beneath a Scorpio stellium on October 28th, 2017. In astrology “stellium” is a word that means four or more astrological forces concentrated in the same sign within close proximity to one another. Anything branded with stellium energy is super concentrated and focused, like a high-powered laser, towards a specific mission and spiritual destiny. For the record, the Qanon birth stellium consisted of the following: Apollo, the Averter of Evil, at 1° Scorpio; Jupiter, the Great Benefic, at 3° Scorpio; the Invincible Sun at 5° Scorpio; Poseidon, the Master of Magic, at 12° Scorpio and Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, at 17° Scorpio. Mercury is most famously known for being the planet of communication and when Qanon was born it was communicating mysteriously and anonymously from the Q degree of Scorpio.