(Charlie Spiering) President Joe Biden appeared confused Wednesday as French President Emanuel Macron pulled him aside to talk about oil production in the Middle East.
middle east
Two Middle East Nations Decline Calls With Biden To Help With Rise Of Oil Prices
(Carmine Sabia) The solution to lowering the price of oil and gas can be found at home in the United States, but President Joe Biden has been looking to other places and has had the door slammed in his face.
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Oklahoma Mom Of 11 Horrified By Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle Flies To Middle East…Helps To Rescue 10 Members Of All-Girls Robotics Team
(Patty McMurray) 100 Percent Fed Up – An Oklahoma mom heroically made the decision to fly to the middle east in an effort to save as many members of the Afghan’s Girls Robotics Team as possible. The mother to 11-children, Allyson Reneau is a Harvard graduate who holds a Master’s degree in international relations and US space policy.
President Trump RIPS Bush: “It Was The Worst Decision In The History Of Our Country When We Decided To Go To The Middle East”
(Vince) No truer statement has ever been said…..
The Truth About Afghanistan
(Paul Joseph Watson) Fiery but mostly peaceful takeover.
White House’s Psaki: Trump Didn’t Do ‘Anything Constructive Really’ to Bring about Middle East Peace
(Nicholas Sherman) While President, Trump was able to normalize relations between Israel and several Arab nations.
US Intel Report on Khashoggi Death Is Just Speculative Guesswork Apparently Aimed at Sabotaging US-Saudi Relations
(Thomas Lifson) Pinning the death of Jamal Khashoggi on Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman is important to those who want to return to the Obama-era alignment of the U.S. with Iran, not Saudi Arabia, as our principal relationship with the Middle East Muslim world. MbS, as he is known, is a committed modernizer, favorable to warming relations with Israel. Damaging his global standing with the tar of culpability for the killing and dismemberment of Khashoggi could even lead to his fall from the pinnacle of power in Riyadh.
Rand Paul Destroys Joe Biden, Owns Jen Psaki in a Single Tweet about Syria
(Chastity Mansfield) Following the Fraudulent Biden administration’s decision to bomb Syria yesterday, social media turned on Democrats who have complained in the past about President Trump’s airstrikes. Conveniently, most have willfully forgotten their old Tweets, but thankfully Senator Rand Paul is here to remind them.
Right On Cue Islamic State Returns: Claims Baghdad Suicide Bombing Killing 32
(Frances Martel) Representatives of the Islamic State jihadist group confirmed Thursday that they organized twin suicide bombings in Baghdad, Iraq, that day that left 32 dead and over 100 injured.
What’s next for Peace in the Middle East?
Michael Oren, former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., sees a challenging but optimistic future for Israel’s relationships with other Middle Eastern countries.
Gnostics, Yahweh, and Cosmic Mid East War (Part III)
(Scott Mandelker) Throughout The Ra Material there is extended discussion of this inter-dimensional, multi-planetary, somewhat rival alliance of other galactic civilizations, united (albeit, with constant internal strife) loosely in accord with what is considered the path of service to self — soul evolution devoid of qualities of love and compassion. In some Buddhist-Hindu traditions, this is called “the left-hand path,” the way of the Asuras or fighting, jealous, angry gods.
Gnostics, Yahweh, and Cosmic Mid East War (Part II)
(Scott Mandelker) When we move then to investigating The Ra Material and its ideas about Yahweh and his role in human affairs, we approach another vast system of teachings within which this topic is but a fragment.
Most Voters Agree With Trump’s Withdrawal From ‘Endless Wars’
(Zero Hedge) A majority of voters polled by Rasmussen agree with President Trump’s statement that “It is time for us to get out of these ridiculous endless wars, many of them tribal, and bring our soldiers home. We will fight where it is to our benefit, and only fight to win.”