(Jim Hoft) Spotify will not renew its exclusive podcast partnership with Michelle and Barack Obama, according to Bloomberg.
michelle obama
Michelle Obama Could Run For President Against Trump In 2024: Rogan Says
(Carmine Sabia) Imagine former first lady Michelle Obama versus former President Donald Trump in a head to head match for the presidency in 2024.
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Michelle Obama Eyeing New Job That Would Give Her Tremendous Power, Fox News Contributor Says
(Carmine Sabia) Former first lady Michelle Obama has never been one to shy from the spotlight and now there are rumors that she could be eyeing a job that would place her firmly there for a long time to come.
Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Top Dem 2024 Presidential Wish List
(Jonathan Davis) A new survey found that the two most popular Democrats ahead of the 2024 presidential election should Joe Biden decide not to run are both women.
Michelle Obama Says She is Terrified Her Daughters Will be Racially Profiled When They’re Driving Alone (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Former First Lady Michelle Obama said she’s worried her daughters will be racially profiled when they’re driving alone.
Michelle Obama Gave The Order for Big Tech to Delete President Trump From Social Media Platforms
(VICTORIA TAFT) It really is a thing to behold the Left’s active effort to send all the riots, unrest, and fires of the past several years down the memory hole. When Ferguson, Missouri, was set on fire by Black Lives Matter and Lisa Fithian-trained shock troops, no one called for Barack Obama to be taken off Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media.
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Michelle Obama Doesn’t Mention Kamala Harris Once In DNC Speech
(Joseph Curl) Former first last Michelle Obama delivered a 20-minute speech at the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, but didn’t once mention Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).
‘Committee to Draft Michelle Obama’ as Vice President Has Registered With FEC
(Cassandra Fairbanks) A committee to draft Michelle Obama as Joe Biden’s running mate has registered with the Federal Election Committee.