(Joe Hoft) Setting the record straight.
EXPOSED: Hunter Biden Said He Didn’t Know 29-Yr-Old Woman Who Had His Baby…Recovered Text Messages Show She Worked For Him…Hunter Tried To Kick Her Off Company Insurance After Revealing Pregnancy
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If ‘Facebook Is Private’ Why Are They Feeding Private Messages of Its Users Directly to the FBI?
(Matt Agorist) Despite decrying censorship when it was happening to them last year, when Donald Trump was banned from Twitter and Facebook earlier this month, the left praised the move by big tech. “Facebook is a private company and can do what they want,” the pro-censorship hypocritical crowd chanted ad nauseum through the digital ether after bad orange man was silenced. But as we have said time and again, Facebook being private is simply not true. Now, however, Facebook has made an unscrupulous Faustian bargain with the federal government which should eliminate all doubt once and for all. They are now willfully handing over private messages of Trump supporters who talked about the events at the capitol on January 6.