(Sayer Ji) That coffee possesses ‘drug-like’ properties, we know quite well. Some of us, in fact, revel in its addictive properties, as it comes with a certain — albeit a tad bit pathological — industriousness.
The DHA Regimen
(Lance Schuttler) As it is known in the medicine, nutrition and wellness fields, there are many different regimens or programs out there that can be used for a variety of reasons as they relate to human health.
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Medicine as a Subjective Good
(Dan Sutter) Americans’ freedom was suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic in part to prevent overwhelming the health care system. A shortage of hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) beds allegedly justified some of the most radical suspensions of liberty in American history: business shutdowns, school closures, and stay-at-home orders.
Organic Functional Mushrooms: Best Immune-Boosting Medicine From Mother Nature
(Dr Leonard Coldwell) Organic functional mushrooms refer to exotic mushrooms that grow in dense forests, on fallen logs or even on the Himalayan plateau.
The Big Business of False Positives in Medicine
(S.D. Wells) Fear is big business. In America, the prescription and administration of nearly all medications, surgeries and vaccines are all based on fear, not science. Are you afraid of getting cancer? Thousands of mammograms (a.k.a. ‘scammograms’) turn out to be false-positives, leading patients to get expensive diagnostics run, surgery, radiation and even chemotherapy, when those “dark spots” aren’t even tumors. Are you afraid of catching and dying from COVID-19? Millions of PCR tests turn out to be false-positives, leading people to believe they have Fauci Flu, and driving them to quarantine themselves for weeks, check into super-bug-laden hospitals, wear bacteria-breeding masks 24/7, and get gene-mutation injections that literally cause lowered immune system function and blood clots.
Quebec Canada Bans Unvaxxed From Buying Groceries at Major Retailers Unless They Are Accompanied by a “Health Warden” Who Will Ensure They Only Buy Food and Medicine
(Julian Conradson) Canada has gone full-tilt authoritarian over the common-cold-like Omicron.
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome: What Causes IBS, & How to Deal with It
(Ocean Robbins) Imagine that one day you notice that your car is acting funny. It’s sluggish, the steering wheel keeps tilting left, and the horn no longer works. You take it to the mechanic, who tells you that nothing’s wrong. The engine and transmission are in perfect working order; the suspension springs are brand new; and the horn, fuses, and wiring are all fine. But, you say, the car isn’t working right. Surely there must be something structurally, mechanically, or electrically at fault.
Systemic Inflammation & the Need for Deep Medicine: An Interview with Raj Patel, PhD and Rupa Marya, MD
(Ocean Robbins) Food Revolution Network CEO, Ocean Robbins, sits down with Drs. Rupa Marya and Raj Patel, authors of Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice, and co-founders of Deep Medicine Circle, for a heartening look at how deep medicine can help to heal our lives, society, and world.
California Nurses Blow Whistle on “Overwhelming” Numbers of Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes as Doctors Refuse to Blame Vaccines for Fear of Losing Their Medical License
(Brian Shilhavy) In October this year we re-published an article from The Conejo Guardian, a nonprofit independent news publication in Ventura County, California. See:
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Is Aspirin the New Horse Dewormer?
(Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.) Aspirin is one of those drugs that has been around forever. It is commonly used as a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, and blood thinner. Surprisingly it may also have benefits in treating COVID.
Lawsuits Seek To Allow Ivermectin as Treatment for COVID-19
(Just The News) Awave of lawsuits filed around the country are seeking to force medical providers to provide the drug ivermectin to COVID-19 patients who seek to use it as a cure.
Alex Berenson Tells Joe Rogan: ‘Vaccine Mandates Have Absolutely Nothing To Do With Medical Realities’
(Jeremy Loffredo) In a podcast episode released Tuesday, New York Times best-selling author, Alex Berenson, who was permanently suspended from Twitter, appeared on “The Joe Rogan Experience” for a wide-ranging, 3-hour discussion on COVID, vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry.
Survival Medicine: 5 Home Remedies for Sore Throat
(Zoey Sky) A sore throat is an uncomfortable condition that can accompany a number of health problems, such as a cold, the flu or other viral infections.
Science and Medicine are Now Political Weapons Used Against Americans
(Joe Hoft) The illnesses and deaths, the devastation to the American economy, and the loss of livelihoods caused by COVID-19 can be rightly blamed on China.
Survival Medicine: Are You Familiar With the Medicinal Uses of Pomegranates?
(Divina Ramirez) The pomegranate, one of the oldest known edible fruits, is a small, bright red fruit native to parts of the Middle East and the Himalayas in Northern India. Cut one open and you’ll find several ruby red seeds that can be eaten raw, juiced or added to recipes.