(Ethan Huff) CVS Health is partnering with Microsoft to develop a “data-driven, personalized, privacy-compliant customer experience,” which sounds a whole lot like Bill Gates getting his grubby, blood-stained hands into patients’ vaccine records.
medical privacy
Employers Are Uniting and Preparing Lawsuits Against Biden’s Seditious Vaccine and Testing Mandates
(Lance D Johnson) The Biden regime continues to declare war on the American people. On September 9, 2021, Biden gave one of the most violent, tyrannical speeches in American history, while espousing a number of unconstitutional decrees that violate the sanctity of the individual and the free market. In the speech, Biden demanded all businesses with more than 100 employees to violate the medical privacy and body autonomy of all their employees, and require injections against people’s will. Under Biden’s decree, employees who do not comply will be stripped of their due process rights, classified as filthy vectors of disease, and subject to weekly covid-19 test swabs and/or nasal probes that are provably fraudulent.