(JD Heyes) The supply chain crisis under Joe Biden is going from bad to worse and that’s not even the most disturbing news: At this point there is simply nothing to stop the massive shortages that are coming.
Military Personnel to Handle Coronavirus Patients at Facilities in NYC, New Orleans and Dallas
(Brett Samuel) Military personnel will begin treating coronavirus patients at new medical facilities that have popped up in the cities of New York, New Orleans and Dallas, the White House said Thursday, marking a shift in policy for how the Pentagon is aiding in the medical response to the pandemic.
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75% Of Children Who Received Vaccines In Mexican Town Now Dead Or Hospitalized
(Mike Adams) Despite the insidious attempts of the corporate-controlled U.S. media to censor the stories about the deadly side effects of vaccines, the truth keeps surfacing. The latest vaccine tragedy to strike has killed two babies in La Pimienta, Mexico and sent 37 more to the hospital with serious reactions to toxic vaccine additives.
Oops: 1 in 5 People Misdiagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis
(Edsel Cook) Multiple sclerosis is scary enough on its own, especially since it is expensive and painful to treat. But a new study warns that one out of every five patients diagnosed with the disease has a different medical condition that shares the same symptoms.
Healthcare Statistics Conspiracy: Audio Shows Hospital Kept Vegetative Patient on Life Support to Boost Survival Rates
(Caroline Chen) “How dare you take it upon yourself to withhold such information from any family?”
Evil Medicine: Med School Uses Live Pigs for Medical Training, Completely Disregarding Ethics or Suffering (This Is How They Treat Humans, Too)
(Vicki Batts) Sometimes, doing things the “old-fashioned way” is the best approach — but when it comes to animal testing, the days of yore are best left behind us. In today’s world, there are plenty of alternatives to the cruel and unethical practice of testing on live animals. Now, Brown University is under fire for using live pigs in the course of medical training, even though experts say human body simulators are actually a better choice.
The Brain Is Not Fully Mature until 30’s and 40’s
(Lin Edwards) New research from the UK shows the brain continues to develop after childhood and puberty, and is not fully developed until people are well into their 30’s and 40’s. The findings contradict current theories that the brain matures much earlier.
Hemp Oil for Arthritis & Joint Pain Relief: Everything You Need to Know
(Edward Morgan) A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that it has an incredible list of benefits. Most notably, researchers have found that CBD-rich hemp oil can relieve pain, reduce inflammation, ease stress, and even enhance your immune system. All of which can make a huge difference with painful or stiff joints. Not to mention that these benefits can improve your overall health as well.
Medical Tyranny: Doctors Ordered to Refuse Health Care Services to Parents Who Opt out of Child Vaccinations
(Vicki Batts) Parents want to do what’s best for their children, especially when it comes to their health. For many, that means trusting their family doctor to lead them in the right direction — but when doctors receive benefits for pushing drugs and inoculations, that trust can easily be abused. Industry influence in medicine is so strong that doctors are now being encouraged to stop seeing patients who aren’t vaccinated.
5 Reasons Why Modern “Medicine” Is The Greatest Failure Of Our Time
(Alanna Ketler) For a very long time, we have bought into this idea that if we are sick the only way that we can get better is under the advice of a Medical Doctor. They are trained extensively on the human body, disease, and illness; they certainly should know a whole lot about how to help sick people, right? Unfortunately, although they generally have the best intentions, most of that which ails us today can be almost completely eradicated with alternative preventative medicine which mainstream medicine typically fails to recognize.
The Remarkable Heart-Friendly Properties of Avocados
(Sayer Ji) There are still folks out there who believe that the ‘high fat’ content of avocados make them a liability for heart health.
Why Are Food, Water And Air—Life’s Essentials—Deliberately Poisoned? Part 2: Water
(Catherine J. Frompovich) Even though the above verse describes a setting of a mariner lost at sea with water all around, he still does not have any clean or unpolluted water to drink because it’s all salt water that will contribute to his demise! Even salt can be considered a pollutant.
Harvard Investigation Shows Doctors are Paid Huge Sums to Prescribe Addictive Opioids
(Phillip Schneider) In 2010, it was found that roughly 100,000 Americans die each year from prescription drugs alone. When it comes to opioids, the number of deaths is in the tens of thousands while a quarter of patients who were given a short-term prescription transitioned to long-term use. Related It’s A Fact: Population Control Efforts Since The 1970s Per Declassified […]
Citrus for Brain Health as You Age: Evidence Suggests Consumption of Oranges, Grapefruits, Limes and Lemons Reduces Dementia Risk by 15 Percent
(Ralph Flores) Fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and lime are not only delicious, they may also lend a hand in preventing dementia, according to a study. Source – Natural News by Ralph Flores, February 1st, 2018 Researchers from Tohoku University discovered that older adults who regularly eat citrus fruits have a lower likelihood of getting […]
Doctors are Paid Massive Bonuses from a Health Insurance Company for Vaccinating Babies
(Alex Pietrowski) Here is a perfect example of the tactics that Big Pharma uses to incentivize doctors to push vaccines on the public. Insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) pays pediatricians $400 for EACH fully vaccinated child under the age of 2. This means that for every 100 vaccinated patients, the doctor gets a […]