(Zero Hedge) Facebook, YouTube, Scribd and several other content platforms are scrambling to remove material related to the New Zealand mosque shootings, including footage livestreamed by 28-year-old shooter Brenton Tarrant of Australia, Bloomberg reports.
mass shooting
49 Dead in Horrifying Mass Shooting on NZ Mosque that Attacker Live-Streamed to Facebook
(RT News) One of the New Zealand mosque attackers went from room to room, mercilessly murdering worshippers and then came back to shoot their corpses as he live-streamed the massacre on Facebook. RT reviewed the chilling footage.
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The Violence-Inducing Effects of Psychiatric Medication
(Kelly Brogan, M.D.) Psychiatric medications have some dangerous, often-overlooked side effects, which could include suicide and homicide.
Man at New Mexico Compound Was Training Children to be School Shooters
(The Daily Sheeple) Several days ago, it was reported that eleven children were rescued from a compound in New Mexico which was being run by armed Muslim extremists.
Days Before Shooting, Capital Gazette Reported Police Would Be Conducting Mass Shooting Drills
(Rachel Blevins) The suspect in the Annapolis Shooting did not carry an ID and mutilated his own fingers so that he would not be identified by police.
At Least 5 Dead in Mass Shooting at US Newspaper
(Zero Hedge) Update 4: Anne Arundel County Acting Police Chief William Krampf said during a press briefing Thursday evening that at least five people were killed in today’s shooting. Related Mass Shootings: The New Manifestation of an Ancient Phenomenon & Their Link to Psychiatric Drugs Source – Zero Hedge by Staff Writer, June 28th, 2018 While the total […]
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Amid Rash of School Shootings, More Parents Turn to Homeschooling
(Kerry McDonald) Parents who remove their children from the confines of the conventional classroom are not running away from reality. They are running towards it.
The Elephant in the Room: Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About the Link Between Psychiatric Medications and Mass Shootings?
(Ethan Huff) The “March For Our Lives” gun-grabbers have convinced themselves that the only way to stop mass shootings in the United States is to prohibit law-abiding Americans from owning firearms. But what these brainwashed leftists fail (or willfully refuse) to acknowledge is the fact that almost every major shooting incident that’s occurred in recent years is directly tied to the perpetrators’ use of mind-altering pharmaceuticals.
Investigators Admit Victims in Texas Shooting Could’ve Been Killed by Police Fire
(Matt Agorist) Authorities in Texas made a telling admission on Monday, noting that it is indeed possible that some of the victims of the Santa Fe High School shooting could’ve been killed or injured by police.
As Texas Shooter Killed Unarmed Citizens, FBI Admits Armed Citizens Stopped 4 Recent Mass Shootings
(Matt Agorist) A week before the tragic shooting in Santa Fe, Texas, the FBI put out a report showing how armed citizens have prevented or stopped multiple mass shootings in just the last two years. Related Mass Shootings: The New Manifestation of an Ancient Phenomenon & Their Link to Psychiatric Drugs Source – The Free Thought Project […]
Parkland Shooting Bombshell: Alleged Shooter Assigned To ‘Obama-Era Program’
(The Daily Sheeple) Late Sunday night, when very few were looking, (and to be fair, the mainstream media isn’t looking) local Florida media reported that the alleged gunman who shot up Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February was assigned to a controversial Obama-era disciplinary program which the Broward County Public Schools superintendent previously denied existed on multiple occasions.
World Famous Psychiatrist Warns That Increased Use of Psychiatric Drugs Will Translate to More Mass Shootings
(Tracey Watson) The psychiatric/pharmaceutical drug industry is worth a staggering $80 billion a year in sales alone, and Washington is literally crawling with lobbyists who have seemingly bottomless pots of cash to smooth the regulatory path for drug manufacturers. This has led to a situation in which the politicians tasked with protecting some of the most vulnerable people in the nation – those with mental health issues – have adopted a “see no evil, hear no evil approach.” They happily look the other way as doctors and psychiatrists continue to prescribe antidepressant and anti-anxiety drugs despite their dangerous side effects, which include mania, violence, psychosis and homicidal ideation (the desire to commit murder).
High School Sophomore Video Goes Viral — It’s Not as Simple as They Want You to Believe
(Mike Adams) The lying fake news media wants you to believe that all students demand immediate gun control. But that’s false, of course. In truth, the media is censoring pro-liberty students and denying them any right to be heard.
Google Caught Red-Handed Censoring Search Results Asking Questions About Parkland Shooting
(John Vibes) When searching for terms that challenged the official narrative of the Parkland shooting, the results on Google varied drastically, compared to other search engines.
‘It’s a Movie Script’: FBI Insiders Reportedly Expose ‘Official’ Vegas Narrative as Entirely False
(Matt Agorist) According to a new report, the FBI was given a massive amount evidence that they were told not to investigate in the Vegas shooting, including evidence of multiple shooters, accomplices, and motives.