(Ryan DeLarme) The leaders of the Southeast Asian country of Myanmar have been arrested by the nation’s military for allegedly committing massive voter fraud during the November 2020 elections. Myanmar’s State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint were both arrested in morning raids on Monday by the nation’s armed forces, after widespread allegations that they had committed election fraud.
mass arrests
‘Operation Find Our Children’: 27 Missing Kids Rescued in Virginia
(Jack Phillips) The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that U.S. Marshals recovered 27 missing children in Virginia following a five-day-long operation in the state.
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David Wilcock LIVE 4/18: New Intel and Celebration of Imminent Freedom! (Video)
David Wilcock LIVE 4/18: New Intel and Celebration of Imminent Freedom! (Video)
Indictments are Coming, and Judges are Needed: Trump Threatens to Adjourn Both Chambers of Congress, if they Don’t Fill His Positions
(Justin Deschamps) POTUS threat to close congress for unnecessary delays in filling positions in his administration likely sent pans of fear to deep state actors guilty of treason and other crimes. This move could itself be preparation for indictments coming soon from the John Durham investigation, as disclosed by AG Bill Barr several days ago. This is a sign moves are being made to prepare the field for what is coming.
QAnon Warns Patriots about False Expectations — The Storm Will Happen When It’s the Right Time
(Justin Deschamps) QAnon recently posted a warning about false expectations, highlighting the fact that the storm will happen when the time is right, not when analysts claim or predictors say. This statement is actually quite refreshing, as there have been rumors for years of mass arrests, and as such, a steady stream of disappointment as dates come and go. But the good news is, never before have things looked so good for the reboot of civilization and the final end of the cabal.
Mass Arrest Deep State Spin: Media Tries Wants you to Think Mass Arrests are a Joke, But Why?
(Justin Deschamps) Rumors of mass arrests of the Deep State and the rescue of children from pedophile dens have been circulating for the past few weeks. There’s a large body of circumstantial evidence to support this view, but nothing in the way of hard proof or evidence. One would think if there is nothing to these rumors, why would the deep state-run media respond with such coordination? The following is an article claiming this idea of mass arrests is a wild conspiracy theory. This coverage in and of itself doesn’t prove these arrests are happening, but it does prove the media wants to make sure the masses don’t give the idea a fair day in court.
QAnon “Future Proves Past” — Drops Suggest Major Moves Could be Happening, Very Soon
(Mystic Magpie) QAnon followers know that Q drops have been proven to predict future events. Detractors often forget that Q said disinformation was essential, hence some predictions don’t come to pass as some expect. But today, developments suggest something major might be afoot.
David Wilcock LIVE: April 4th Updates and Meditation (Video)
David Wilcock LIVE: April 4th Updates and Meditation (Video)
David Wilcock LIVE: on the Great Pandemic, Part IV: Answering Your Questions! (Video)
David Wilcock LIVE: on the Great Pandemic, Part IV: Answering Your Questions! (Video)
David Wilcock LIVE III: Cliff Notes
(Kat) Hi Dinarlandia, First, thank you Sierra NZ for the amazing work you do with your great, up-to-the-minute posts about Q and what’s happening on Twitter. I deeply appreciate it because I don’t Twitter or Facebook.
What’s Going On? Pentagon Orders Essential Staff To Deep Underground Mountain Bunker As Pandemic Prep Escalates
(Zero Hedge) North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) & the US’ Northern Command (NORTHCOM) held a Facebook Live town hall meeting on Tuesday, March 24, informing the public how their essential teams in charge of homeland security are isolating at the Cheyenne Mountain bunker in Colorado amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
David Wilcock Update: Notes from Part 3 of Notes from “The Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture!”
(Kauilapele) These are very rough notes, and only taken from the 1 hour 45 minute mark and beyond. But I felt these were important enough to post now, even in “rough hewn” form. Here’s a link to the video.
David Wilcock LIVE on The Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture! (Video)
David Wilcock LIVE on The Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture! (Video)
Cover for Mass Arrests or NWO Takeover? Insiders Expose COVID-19 Coronavirus: Medical Professionals Agree That Coronavirus Pandemic is Essentially a Myth
(Justin Deschamps) The following are two articles detailing the testimony of medical professionals who assert that the coronavirus pandemic scare is effectively a myth or psyop. This evidence has two major implications that should be carefully considered.
David Wilcock: What’s Really Going On? (Part 2) — Notes w/ Slides by Kat
(Kat) A little about David Wilcock—his IQ puts him in the genius category, which gives him the ability to retain massive amounts of information.