(Leisa Audette) Saturday Night Live hits the nail on the head with a skit about Dr. Fauci’s very confusing mask-wearing demands. Comedian Kate McKinnon is fantastic as Dr. Anthony Fauci, even getting his voice down.
Mask Mandate
Multiple Governors Drop Mask Mandates as CDC Rewrites Guidance
(Daniel Payne) Several state governors this week scrambled to drop the mask mandates they had unilaterally imposed last year following reissued CDC guidance stating that vaccinated individuals largely do not have to wear them.
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INSANITY: MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Reveals She’s Terrified of Unvaccinated People, Unmasked People, Thinks They’re ‘A Threat’
(Jack Hadfield) “I’m going to have to rewire myself”
52 Charts Show What Effect State Mask Mandates Have on COVID Cases
(Kyle Becker) There is hardly a more divisive issue in the country than mask mandates. Interestingly, the nation is split in half on the issue: half the states currently have mask mandates; the other half doesn’t.
Oregon Considers Making Mask Mandate Permanent, Infuriating Residents
(John Solomon) Oregon is considering indefinitely mandating masks and social distancing in all businesses, cutting an opposite path from other states that are easing pandemic rules as vaccinations grow.
Major Legal Victory! Mask Mandate is Dealt a Crushing Blow by the Supreme Court in Wisconsin
(Kyle Becker) The Supreme Court of the state of Wisconsin has dealt a blow to the mask mandate in a 4-3 decision.