(Julian Conradson) Dr. Fauci hit the cable news morning shows once again on Sunday to promote the experimental vaccine and, of course, rail on Americans to keep their masks on.
Mask Mandate
CNN Doctor: Wear Masks At Home And Take Tests On Christmas Morning
(Steve Watson) Previously complained about people “breathing too vigorously
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Pennsylvania Supreme Court Nixes Mask Mandate For Schools And Childcare Centers
(Carmine Sabia) Another court has ended another mandate in what is becoming a common theme in the United States as the Constitution does not leave a ton of room for government mandates on anything.
Democrat Governor Says COVID Emergency is ‘Over’ and He Won’t Implement More Mask Mandates
(Cassandra Fairbanks) Colorado’s Democrat Governor Jared Polis has declared the COVID-19 emergency “over” and says that he will not be imposing any more mask mandates.
Biden Surgeon General: Even Tripled Vaxxed Still Have To Wear Masks Indoors
(Steve Watson) “Use masks whenever you can in public indoor spaces, your risk can be quite low and your holidays can be quite fulfilling.”
Oregon Moves to Make Indoor Mask Mandate Permanent
(Paul Joseph Watson) Technocrats argue “permanent” doesn’t mean permanent.
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Victory: Pennsylvania Court Throws out School Mask Mandate
(Ethan Huff) An effort by Pennsylvania Acting Health Secretary and Branch Covidian Alison Beam to force all public school students in the Commonwealth to wear a mask all day long has been struck down by a state court judge.
Parents Say Florida School Used Rope to Tie Mask on Their Non-Verbal Special Needs Daughter Without Their Knowledge — FOR WEEKS
(Cassandra Fairbanks) Outraged parents have accused Brevard Public Schools (BPS) in Florida of using a nylon rope to tie a mask on their 7-year-old special needs daughter for weeks without their knowledge or consent.
Dirtbag St. Louis County Executive and Tyrant Sam Page Caught Maskless Out in Public Again After Just Recently Reinstating Mask Mandate
(Jim Hoft) St. Louis County Executive Sam Page told the local media this week that those St. Louis County residents who are caught out without a mask are “seeking confrontation.”
RULES FOR THEE: The Biden’s Ignore Mask Mandate…Walk Through Posh Restaurant Without a Mask [VIDEO]
(Leisa Audette) The elites in politics are exposing themselves little by little. They aren’t honoring the mandates they put in place. It’s almost as if the mask mandates are just meant for the little guy and not for the elitist politicians. What does that tell us? Maybe those elitist politicians telling you to fear the virus don’t actually fear it themselves.
BUSTED! MASKLESS School Board VP Caught on VIDEO Singing At Crowded Karaoke Bar After Accusing Fellow MI School Board Members of Spreading COVID Because They Won’t Wear Masks To Meetings
(Patty McMurray) 100 Percent Fed Up Exclusive – Parents and residents of communities across Michigan are fighting back against mask mandates. And they’ve had enough of the tyrannical rule by both elected and unelected officials in their state.
St. Louis Priest Is Placed on Sabbatical For His Conservative Stance and For Not Wearing A Mask
(Jim Hoft) A Saint Gerard Majella priest in St. Louis, Father Larry Huber, was forced out and placed on a three-month sabbatical from parish ministry for his conservative stance within the Catholic church and for not wearing a facemask.
Lawyer Wins Mask Mandate Lawsuit in Two Illinois School Districts
(Jim Hoft) On Wednesday, prolific anti-COVID mitigation attorney Thomas Devore had successfully argued in two separate County courts for two separate school districts that mask mandates constitute a form of quarantine under Illinois law and that mask mandates can only be issued by the local health department.
Hollywood Hypocrites Go Maskless at the Emmys, With Servants Required to Muzzle
(Richard Moorhead) Hollywood actors and film industry insiders were blasted for naked hypocrisy at Sunday’s Emmy Awards, with photos of the event showing an entirely maskless crowd even as service workers staffing the event were required to wear masks.
Law Professor Accuses University of Violating Federal Trade Commission Rules With Mask Mandate
(Greg Piper) “You are promoting the idea that the mask can prevent or treat a disease, which is an illegal deceptive practice,” David Clements tells New Mexico State.