(Jim Hoft) Joe Biden is buying Venezuelan oil and gas again.
SICK PEOPLE: WaPo and Taylor Lorenz Dox Conservative Twitter User – Publish Her Home Address and Then Lie About It
(Jim Hoft) The fake news mainstream Marxists hit another new low today.
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Marxists in Shock After Monumental Election Night for Republicans in Long Island
(Jim Hoft) Republicans also won big in Long Island last night.
Black Lives Matter Marxists Blame US for ‘Undermining Cubans’ Right to Choose their Own Government;” Praise Communist Leaders as they Beat and Murder Their People
(Julian Conradson) The Marxist leaders of BLM released a statement yesterday condemning the United States and blaming them entirely for the situation in Cuba, saying it was the US’ “inhumane” treatment that sparked the protests. The idiotic claims were made while simultaneously praising Cuba’s communist leaders who are currently beating and murdering their people as they demand freedom from the oppressive regime.
Danger ahead: 120 retired U.S. military flag officers raise alarm, say constitutional republic is in danger of being taken away by socialists and Marxists
(JD Heyes) It isn’t often that retired U.S. military officers of flag rank (generals and admirals) collectively leap into politics, so when it does happen, it’s wise for every American to pay attention, regardless of political orientation.
Amazon Quietly Banning More Conservative, Patriotic Books by Claiming They Contain “Hate Speech”
(JD Heyes) Truths that some people may find uncomfortable or inconvenient are still truths, but if you’re an all-powerful big tech oligarch who has an iron grip on information, only your version of ‘the truth’ gets to be told.
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Marxists NEVER Rest: Leftist Attorneys Demand Ken Paxton and the 18 Attorneys General who Supported Texas Case be Disciplined
(Jim Hoft) They stole the election. Gave it to a dementia patient in his basement.