(Ryan DeLarme) Former 8kun administrator Ron Watkins created a poll on Twitter Saturday evening asking: “Do you support limited Martial Law?” to which an astounding 89% answered yes.
martial law
Leftists ACCUSE Trump of Staging a COUP as Ex-Military Officers Urge MARTIAL LAW! (Video)
Leftists ACCUSE Trump of Staging a COUP as Ex-Military Officers Urge MARTIAL LAW! (Video)
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Eye Opener — Leaked Video Shows China Forging US Ballots; will Trump use Martial Law?
(Staff Writer) On December 1st, On behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Attorney General Willian Barr, who was nominated by President Trump, told the Associated Press that so far, “we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election”. We can imagine how many American voters would be very disappointed by Barr after reading this.
Attorney Lin Wood: President Trump Should Declare Martial Law to Hold New Election
(Jim Hoft) The We The People Convention published a full page ad in the Washington Times on Tuesday calling on President Donald Trump to take extreme actions to correct controversial election results. Wood even suggested President Trump hold a new election if the US Courts and Congress do not follow the US Constitution.
Martial Law In The US: How Likely Is It, & What Will Happen?
(Zero Hedge) The march towards martial law is something that is often ignored by the general public, often labeled as Quackery or something belonging on conspiracy websites. But what’s happening in this country is exactly what our founders warned us about, and martial law is something they took very, very seriously.