(Joe Hoft) Individual investors around the world are trying to determine where is the most profitable and safest place for their investments. This question has never been as difficult to determine as now.
Fed Steps in Once Again to Try to Smooth out Lending Markets
(Christopher Rugaber) The Federal Reserve is intervening once again to try to smooth out the world’s lending markets, this time by lending dollars to other central banks in exchange for Treasurys.
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“Unprecedented Decline” – The Collapse In World Trade Is A Once In A Generation Shock
(Zero Hedge) COVID-19 is expected to produce a global recession depression as nearly all of the world’s major economies have ground to a halt between February and March, expected to continue through April.
Market Massacre: Oil Crashes 30%, VIX Explodes As S&P Craters Limit Down
(Zero Hedge) Update (2020ET): And there it is: for the first time since the financial crisis, the emini S&P future has hit the limit down band of -5%, something it failed to do even during the May 2010 flash crash.
47 Percent Of GDP – This Is Definitely The Scariest Corporate Debt Bubble In U.S. History
(Michael Snyder) We are facing a corporate debt bomb that is far, far greater than what we faced in 2008, and we are being warned that this “unexploded bomb” will “amplify everything” once the financial system starts melting down.
Guess Who Is Preparing For A Major Stock Market Crash?
(Michael Snyder) Pessimism is spreading like wildfire on Wall Street, and this is particularly true among one very important group of investors. And considering how much money they have, it may be wise to listen to what they are telling us. According to a very alarming survey that was recently conducted by UBS Wealth Management, most wealthy investors now believe that there will be a “significant” stock market decline before the end of next year. The following comes from Yahoo Finance…
Strategist Warns: “The Mother of All Bubbles” Could Pop If Profits Don’t Improve
(Mac Salvo) Blackstone strategist Joseph Zidle is warning that the “mother of all bubbles” could burst if profits don’t improve. Zidle thinks there are several problems in the market right now, including the repo market woes, negative-yielding debt, global trade conflicts and collapsing manufacturing.
Trump Impeachment Odds Soar On Heavy Volume
(Zero Hedge) PredictIt odds of President Trump’s impeachment by the end of his first term have soared in the last 12 hours in heavy volume.
An Indicator With A 100% Perfect Track Record Of Predicting Recessions Says That Another One Is Coming
(Michael Snyder) You can believe that we will somehow beat the odds this time if you want, but history is completely against you. One of the biggest reasons why there is so much anxiety on Wall Street right now is because of how the yield curve is behaving.
Just Before The Great Recession, Mountains Of Unsold Goods Piled Up In U.S. Warehouses – And Now It Is Happening Again
(Michael Snyder) When economic conditions initially begin to slow down, businesses continue to order goods like they normally would but those goods don’t sell as quickly as they previously did. As a result, inventory levels begin to rise, and that is precisely what is happening right now.
Stock Market Crash: The Dow Has Fallen Nearly 2,500 Points And FAANG Stocks Have Lost A TRILLION Dollars In Value
(Michael Snyder) Thanksgiving week was not supposed to be like this. Normally things are slow in the days leading up to Thanksgiving as investors prepare to gorge themselves with turkey and stuffing as they gather with family and friends. But this year the stock market is crashing, and Wall Street is in panic mode.
Global Banking Stocks Are Crashing Hard – Just Like They Did In 2008
(Michael Snyder) Global stocks are falling precipitously once again, and banking stocks are leading the way. If this reminds you of 2008, it should, because that is precisely what we witnessed back then.
We Witnessed The 3rd Largest Point Crash In Stock Market History On The Same Day That The 3rd Most Powerful Hurricane To Ever Hit The U.S. Made Landfall
(Michael Snyder) If you don’t believe in “coincidences”, what are we supposed to make of this? On Wednesday, the 3rd most powerful hurricane to ever hit the United States made landfall in the Florida panhandle. Entire communities were absolutely shredded as Hurricane Michael came ashore with sustained winds of 155 miles per hour.
Ron Paul Warns A 50% Stock Market Decline Is Coming…And There’s No Way To Stop It
(Michael Snyder) Is Ron Paul about to be proven right once again? For a very long time, Ron Paul has been one of my political heroes. His willingness to stand up for true constitutional values and to keep saying “no” to the Washington establishment over and over again won the hearts of millions of American voters, and I wish that there had been enough of us to send him to the White House either in 2008 or in 2012.
New Vehicle Sales “Collapse” And Pending Home Sales “Plunge” As America’s Economic Slowdown Accelerates
(Michael Snyder) In late 2018, the bad economic news just keeps rolling in. At a time when consumer confidence is absolutely soaring, the underlying economic numbers are clearly telling us that enormous problems are right around the corner.