(Joseph Weber) A draft report of the findings was expected to be delivered Monday to Republicans in the state Senate.
Maricopa County Audit
Poll: 62% of AZ Republicans Think Maricopa County Audit Will Show Trump Won In Arizona
(Martin Walsh) A brand new poll is not going to sit well with Democrats regarding the 2020 presidential election.
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AZ GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward Details New Phase Of Maricopa County Audit
(Martin Walsh) Arizona’s GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward has provided an update on a new phase of the Maricopa County forensic audit.
New Judge In Maricopa County Audit Worked For Firm That Merged With Perkins Coie
(Patrick Howley) Judge Daniel Martin, who is now presiding over the challenge to the Arizona Senate Republicans’ audit of the Maricopa County 2020 election results, is a Democrat appointee who worked for a firm that merged with Perkins Coie, the pro-Democrat powerhouse firm that is trying to shut down the Maricopa County audit.