(Atlantean Gardens) Elemental magic is a paradigm through which one uses the will to affect reality, employing the archetypal forces of Nature: Water, Air, Earth, and Fire. A fairy is a type of mythical being or legendary creature in European folklore (particularly Celtic, Slavic, German, English, and French), a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical or supernatural.
manly p hall
“The Secret Teachings of All Ages”: The Ultimate Reference in Occult Symbolism
(Vigilant Citizen) An in-depth look at the most important book about occultism of the 20th century The Secret Teachings of All Ages and its author Manly P. Hall.
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The ‘White Hats’ of Secret Societies – Who Are ‘The Secret Teachings of All Ages’ In The Hands of Today?
(Arjun Walia) “From the beginning of time, free masonry has been punished for its love of truth, and out if its punishment came the United States.
Why The Lost Land of Atlantis Went Down – If We Don’t Change, Could The Same Thing Happen To Us?
(Justin Deschamps) This is a fascinating article exploring the idea that Atlantis fell due to the way people were living at the time, specifically, that the moral fiber and consciousness of that society caused it to perish. I think this is a critically important idea to consider. We already know that the degree of immorality and ignorance in a society directly corresponds to crime and quality of life. And the powers that be use our own immorality against us to maintain their control.
Multiple Catholic Priests Expose the Practice of “Satanism” Within the Vatican
(Arjun Walia) The works of multiple scholars, from Plato to Manly P. Hall and further down the line, suggest it is essentially the use of rituals and techniques to invoke and control “spirits” or lifeforms that could be existing within other dimensions or worlds. For example, according to Hall, “a magician, enveloped in sanctified vestments and […]
Earth’s Transition Into The Age of Aquarius – According To Carl Jung & A 33rd Degree Free Mason (video)
(Arjun Walia) Astrology is an ancient art and science dating back thousands of years. It appears in many cultures, but as with most ancient wisdom, much of it was and has been concealed and forbidden from public viewing. Secret societies, both those whose hearts are grounded in the good will for all of humanity, and those […]
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Esoteric Meaning of As Above, So Below — Evolution Through Truth is the Way
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) One additional point I’ll add to this excellent article is that of evolution through truth. The truth is a singular all-encompassing reality, which incorporates the subjective (inner) and objective (outer) worlds. The mind is the venue or setting where free will acts to organize and derive meaning from experience. The […]
Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and Their Functions
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Manly P. Hall is a philosopher and mystic from the early 20th century. Some view him as a pillar of esoteric knowledge, while others think he was part of a dark cabal that has infiltrated Masonic lodges throughout the globe. Hall did not work his way up the degrees as […]
7 Gates of Initiation – Illuminating the Body, Mind and Soul
Source – Jeremy McDonald by Jeremy McDonald, September 21st 2016 One thing we can count on for sure is through our spiritual journey we will have hard work ahead of us in order to illuminate our lives and free ourselves from the bonds of our limited humanity. It is apparent in many spiritual texts that the […]
Manly P. Hall Shares His Wisdom on Astrotheology and Occult Knowledge (Video)
Manly P. Hall is a mystic and philosopher from the early 20th Century. He is known for his long lectures on consciousness, mysticism, mythology, the occult and how all these weave together in understanding the evolution of the soul. In modern times, especially within the truther community, Hall is either revered or hated. His ties […]
How Has The ET Narrative Changed? | Freeman Perspective with Dr. Michael Salla from 2012 – The Grey’s, Sirians, ET Races, Esoteric Symbolism and Architecture, Plus More
This is an older video from 2012 with Dr. Michael Salla supporting much of the information being disclosed by Corey GoodETxSG as summarized by David Wilock and many others recently. This is an eclectic interview discussing a great deal of information, from Freemasonry, to the Grey’s, ancient civilizations, Stargates, DNA manipulation, Occult analysis of the ET agenda and contact, Esoteric Symbolism, and […]
Gnosticism Teachings From The Ages | Manly P. Hall on the Gnostics – Natural Law Principles in the Deep Past
Source – Gnostic Warrior Even today there are evidences of Gnostic philosophy in the modern world, but they bear other names and their true origin is not suspected. Many of the Gnostic concepts have actually been incorporated into the dogmas of the Christian Church, and our newer interpretations of Christianity are often along the lines of Gnostic emanationism […]
Keepers of Mystical Knowledge (Abracadabra) | The High Priest (Magoi, Magus) – Name of Priest Class throughout history and the world
This is an interesting post revealing priest classes and roles throughout history. – Justin Source – Gnostic Warrior The word magic comes from the Greek: μάγοι, magoi, or magus, and mag in ancient Persian language which means “priest.” The High Priest is the chief Judge or Interpreter of sacred mysteries and or arcane knowledge of […]
The Illusion of Time and why it is so Important – Time is Not For Wasting by Manly P. Hall
Image Credit “Time is an Illusion” – a popular meme or philosophy being disseminated, and accepted by most awakening people. Many assume, because Time is an Illusion, we need not worry about wasting it, but this is an erroneous conclusion. The concept of Time as an Illusion has a great deal of factual basis to it. […]
The True Cross and Sign of Life – Marking the Death of the Material Self, Rebirth of the Spiritual Identity
Source – Gnostic Warrior “To the Rosicrucians, Alchemists, and Illuminati, the cross was the symbol of light, because each of the three letters L V X is derived from some part of the cross.” – Manly P. Hall The cross was used by many cultures and tribes long before the time of Christ. Prior to when the first […]