(Marisa T. Cohen Ph.D.) Research has shown that social media can affect the quality of our relationships. In fact, one survey study with 205 Facebook users, demonstrated that a higher level of Facebook usage was associated with negative relationship outcomes (Clayton, Nagurney, & Smith, 2013). In addition, those relationships experienced Facebook-related conflict (Clayton, et al., 2013). Facebook usage has also been shown to be linked to increased feelings of jealousy (Muise, Christofides, & Desmarais, 2009).
male female dynamics
The Barriers We Build Against Love
(Anna Rodgers) Many people are still looking for their ‘other half’, venturing out on more and more dates, casting the net wider until they find someone to complete them. And when it doesn’t work out just as they planned, they jump back onto their smartphones, ‘unfriend’ the offending partner and swipe themselves another one.
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5 Ways Couples Manage to Kill Love – and How to Avoid Them
(Rosalinda Rosales) Dr. John Buri, author of “How to Love Your Wife,” has an announcement: Love does not commit suicide.