(AJ Nelson) Mass mailing service Mailchimp, a US based marketing automation service, has updated its Terms of Use regarding types of content that are prohibited for distribution on the platform. In particular, the service now “does not allow the distribution of content that is, in our sole discretion, materially false, inaccurate, or misleading, in a way that could deceive or confuse others about important events, topics, or circumstances.”
Anatomy of Big Tech Censorship: Deplatforming and Shadow Banning of Stillness in the Storm (Mailchimp)
(Justin Deschamps) As you might’ve noticed the Stillness in the Storm newsletter stopped being sent to your inbox. The Story behind why this happened shows a compelling case for Big Tech censorship of alternative media. What you’ll see in this article is a point for point presentation of how and why this happened. This may prove once and for all that ideas “they” don’t want you to know about are being censored.