(Tasha Shayne) Those in tune with the occult likely think it strange to find such a tool as the Ouija Board shelved among sets of board games at the local toy store. Even though it has come to be regarded as a kitschy party game, thousands have reported “eerie” communications with a world beyond the veil of the physical plane. While some call the Ouija Board a game, others swear it is nothing to be trifled with.
Magic: Thoughts From Plato & Manly P. Hall To Modern Day Scientists – Is “Magic” Real?
(Arjun Walia) The Facts: The Concept of ‘magic’ has been written about and explored for thousands of years. It’s always been a large part of history and ancient mysticism, and today, “magical” concepts are being explored by science, mostly in the form of parapsychology. Reflect On: Are there concepts of our reality we have yet to understand? Are there concepts we turn away from that have ample evidence, but simply push the boundaries of the mind a little too far to accept? Perhaps things are changing
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Sigil Magic: How to Create Symbols That Manifest Your Destiny
(Mateo Sol) Sigils. I am enchanted by the simplicity and power of these little magical symbols. Sigils help you to achieve goals, co-create your reality, self-actualize your potential and fulfill your deepest dreams and desires.
Elemental Magic, Magnetism, and Astral Light
(Atlantean Gardens) Elemental magic is a paradigm through which one uses the will to affect reality, employing the archetypal forces of Nature: Water, Air, Earth, and Fire. A fairy is a type of mythical being or legendary creature in European folklore (particularly Celtic, Slavic, German, English, and French), a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical or supernatural.
Magical Thinking: Concept and Traits
(Exploring your Mind) Magical thinking is a fascinating human phenomenon. Read on ti discover what magical thinking is and why it isn’t always bad to believe something that isn’t true
Three Real-World Examples of Magical Power Far Beyond Anything Scientists Have Ever Seen
(Arjun Walia) Is magic real? That depends on how you define it. But yes, I believe ‘magic’ is definitely real, and I’m not the only one. Cases of ‘supernormal’ powers and ‘magic’ of all kinds have been reported throughout history and across almost all cultures–at least until religion was invented and these topics were ushered into the realm of the ‘demonic.’
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Black Magick, Babylonian Cults, and Occult Secret Societies
Black Magick, Babylonian Cults, and Occult Secret Societies
Magick, Alchemy, Language, & Resonance – Eugenia Macer-Story
(Olav Phillips) I found out about Eugenia Macer-Story by talking with Radionic Practitioners at the USPA conference in 2018. For days my mind was saturated with stories of some of my personal favorite Aetheric Researchers. Some stories included warping the fabric of reality in a hotel room to being able to hear attached entities to some members through interference with audio systems, including Tom Bearden and the author of this article Eugenia Macer-Story, a UFO investigating psychic with very in depth theories on the mechanics of the ethers.
Creating a Sacred Space
(Abby Cahoone) When starting a meditation practice, having a calm, centered, and safe space to meditate freely without distractions is key. Throughout the day we are bombarded with stimulation (both positive and negative) from the outside world, in your sacred space, you will be able to unplug from that and plug into your own energy space.
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Ceremonial Magic & Sorcery — How An Ancient Art Became Perverted By The ‘Global Elite’
(Arjun Walia) “The underlying, primary psychic reality is so inconceivably complex that it can be grasped only at the farthest reach of intuition, and then but very dimly. That is why it needs symbols.” – Carl Jung
Ceremonial Magic & Sorcery — How An Ancient Art Became Perverted By The ‘Global Elite’
(Arjun Walia) What is ceremonial magic? The works of multiple scholars, from Plato to Manly P. Hall and further down the line, suggest it is essentially the use of rituals and techniques to invoke and control “spirits” or lifeforms that could be existing within other dimensions or worlds. For example, according to Hall, “a magician, enveloped in sanctified vestments and carrying a wand inscribed with hieroglyphic figures, could by the power vested in certain words and symbols control the invisible inhabitants of the elements and of the astral world. While the elaborate ceremonial magic of antiquity was not necessarily evil, there arose from its perversion several false schools of sorcery, or black magic.” (1)
Highly Suppressed, Oldest Known Grimoire, Finally Translated, 27 Spells of Power
Related John Dee & The Empire of Angels – Outlining Project Apocalypse & Enochian Magick (Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3REkuZ8D3Q Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to corrections@stillnessinthestorm.com, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an […]
John Dee & The Empire of Angels – Outlining Project Apocalypse & Enochian Magick (Video)
John Dee & The Empire of Angels – Outlining Project Apocalypse & Enochian Magick (Video)
The Magic of Conscious Awareness – Tailor Your Vibration in 3 Steps (VIDEO)
Teresa Yanaros of Divine Frequency describes how to tap into the magic of your own conscious awareness in three easy steps.
False Flag Season is About to Begin — Research, History, and Analysis
Every year, beginning on March 19th and ending about 40 days later, on May 1st, the dark elite carry out what is known as the Season of Sacrifice. This is when false flag attacks occur with greater frequency. It is a time for those brave enough to recognize these truths to be vigilant against what will likely be a series of psychological warfare operations designed to manipulate the minds of the people. In the following article, we’ll review the evidence and historical basis for why this assertion is likely correct.