(Nova Biscotti) Many people – especially Trump apologists or rabid followers of “QAnon” are doing mental gymnastics trying to explain the rationale for the missile attacks which occurred during the pre-dawn hours of April 14, 2018 on Syrian targets.
Divide & Conquer and the Trap of Identification — Bernard Gunther
(Bernhard Guenther) Divide & Conquer is a term used to describe the ancient game of controlling all sides of a debate/issue/conflict and pitting the human groups involved against one another – not only to manipulate them into acting out in accordance with a specific result in mind, but to create the right emotional “loosh” frequency (energetic […]
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Scientists Prove Subtle Energy Exists and is Transferable | People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Can energy be exchanged between living things? In short, yes it can. The following study demonstrated that plant cells can draw energy directly from other plants around them. Biophotons are little bundles of coherent energy that every living thing employs in a subtle way, for communication and arguably vitality. Could […]