(Ralph Flores) A species of St. John’s wort (Hypericum) that’s native to Central Asia may alleviate depression and anxiety, especially for those with dementia. In a report published in the Journal of Essential Oil Research, researchers from Firat University in Turkey examined the anti-anxiety and anti-depression properties of Hypericum scabrum.
New study confirms: Junk food takes YEARS off your life
(Isabelle Z.) It’s hard to keep track of all the ways that the wrong foods can compromise your health. For example, eating nitrates is linked to colorectal cancer, but how can you tell which foods contain these chemicals? Sugar is bad no matter how you look at it, but aren’t artificial sweeteners even worse? You can’t bring a stack of nutrition journals with you every time you head to the grocery store, so a recent study makes it very clear: junk food takes years off of your life, plain and simple.
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Get Moving! Replacing 30 Minutes of Sitting with Any Type of Physical Activity Reduces the Risk of Early Death
(Edsel Cook) Some types of sharks must constantly keep swimming in order to stay alive. While humans are not sharks, it is also in our best interest to move as much as possible if we want to live long lives. A new study recommends spending at least half an hour each day performing any kind of physical movement if you wanted to live a longer life.
Immortality Herb Boosts Cellular Health, So You Feel Younger Longer
(Anna Hunt) Many Japanese elders refer to the plant ashitaba as the immortality plant and believe it will keep you looking and feeling young. For ages, people in Japan have been using this plant as medicine to prevent illness. Now, researchers are discovering why. A flavonoid substance in ashitaba may be responsible for boosting cellular health. It does so by helping the body clear out cellular “debris” and supporting the process of autophagy.