(Nwo Report) Claims outsiders misunderstand Beijing’s increasingly bizarre “dynamic zero-Covid” strategy.
Bill Gates Says Governments Must PUNISH People for Questioning Mask and Vaccine Mandates Online
(Lance D Johnson) In a recent interview with British politician Jeremy Hunt, Bill Gates said that governments around the world must begin to PUNISH people for questioning mask and vaccine mandates online. It’s not enough that social media companies have gone the way of the Chinese Communist Party, targeting information that exposes crimes against humanity and blacklisting critical information that would help people make an informed decision. Now, Bill Gates wants not only to silence those who disagree with him, but he also wants to turn governments against their own people when those people dare speak out of line against Bill Gate’s global agendas, surveillance systems, economic controls, genetic engineering and medical mandates.
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VICTORY: Federal Judge Permanently Blocks NY Restrictions on Indoor Worship
(Amanda Casanova) A federal judge has granted a permanent injunction that blocks the state of New York’s restrictions on indoor worship gatherings.