(News Editors) Following news that The Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘disinformation governance board’ will be headed by a woman who says free speech makes her ‘shudder’ and who falsely labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story disinformation, Republicans called for the body to be scrapped, labelling it a ‘monstrosity’.
Senate Passes Bill To End COVID-19 State of National Emergency
(Mary Villareal) The United States Senate passed a bill to end the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) state of National Emergency in a party-line vote as mask mandates and social distancing restrictions continue.
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‘Our Country Is Under Attack’: RFK, Jr. Speaks on CIA and Totalitarianism
(Children’s Health Defense) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense chairman, last month spoke at the 2021 Ron Paul Institute “Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism” conference where he called for Americans to stand up and protect the U.S. Constitution.
The Worldwide Walkout Has Begun: Free People of the World Need to ‘Wrench Back Power’ from the Hands of Tyranny or Liberty Will Be Gone Forever
(News Editors) BEWARE mainstream newspapers, TV stations, and websites which censor the truth while spreading dangerous misinformation, lies, and propaganda about the pandemic and the harmful, often fatal genetic COVID-19 “vaccines” which are directly killing and maiming millions of people.
The Case for Optimism: 10 Reasons Why the Pro-freedom Right Will Defeat the Anti-Liberty Left
(D Parker) The case for optimism is easy if you compare the positives of the pro-freedom Right to the abhorrent negatives of the anti-liberty left.
EXCLUSIVE: COVID Relief Funds Distributed to Cities and States Require Full Compliance With Biden Vax Mandates; Counties Can Use Money To Bankrupt and REPLACE Local Businesses
(Mike Adams) As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, so-called “Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds” are distributed to states which then deposit those funds into the bank accounts of counties and cities.
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Texas GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Don Huffines Vows He Will Detain Any Federal Agents Who Come Into State Looking To Arrest Parents As “Domestic Terrorists”
(JD Heyes) We have been saying for months that in order for states to deal with an increasingly lawless Biden regime and the deep state that is running him, their governors and other leaders need to start thinking outside the box.
Now 27 States Are Fighting Biden’s Aggressive Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate
(Cassie B.) When President Joe Biden issued his ill-advised executive order mandating vaccines for much of the nation’s workforce, the immediate response in many corners was shock and outrage. Even those who believe in the virtues of COVID-19 vaccines expressed concerns that the move was a serious threat to Americans’ health freedom. And now, more than half of American states are fighting back.
Texans Can Now Sue Big Tech Platforms Like Facebook and Twitter for Censorship
(Ethan Huff) A new law signed by Gov. Greg Abbott allows Texans whose free speech rights have been infringed by Big Tech to sue for damages.
Sick and Twisted: Jimmy Kimmel Wants All Unvaccinated People to Die, but Hopes the Covid Clot Shot Won’t Clog His Son’s Blood and Strain His Heart That Already Has an Oxygen-depriving Birth Defect
(S.D. Wells)Have you heard of the new comedy show based on children dying? Yes, it’s hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, who’s running a “hit piece” on how hospitals should deny all care to anyone who won’t take the China Flu gene therapy jabs. Send them home to die, is the message, the punch line. Tell them to rest in peace. No jab, no hospital care, not even for emergencies. Go home and die! (laugh track sounds here).
A New “Medical Hitler” – Biden Declares Himself Medical Dictator, Threatens to Nullify States’ Rights and Coerce the Entire Population into Taking Deadly Vaccine Jabs Against Their Will
(Mike Adams) Ripping a page right out of Adolf Hitler’s playbook, fake president Joe Biden last night declared himself a medical dictator over America, claiming he alone has absolute power to bypass states’ rights, nullify state governors and force the American people to take deadly, experimental “vaccines” that are actually biological weapons designed to exterminate human life.
Vaccine Mandate in Ecuador Province Defeated by Health Freedom Organization
(Arsenio Toledo) A government-backed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandate in the Loja Province of Ecuador was defeated on Aug. 5.
Door-to-door Medical Kidnappings Begin in Australia As Covid Fascism Escalates
(Ethan Huff) An Australian man clearly in good health was abducted from his home by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) first responders and taken away to a quarantine camp after testing “positive” for the Chinese Virus.
Liberty ‘Only One Election Away From Extinction,’ Jenna Ellis Tells Ohio Election Integrity Rally
(Natalia Mittelstadt) The former Trump campaign attorney hosted the event along with Ohio GOP Senate candidate Josh Mandel and Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers.
Woke Corporate America Lining up to Force Their Own Employees to Get Vaccinated, Placing Them in Imminent Danger of Vaccine Injury or Death
(JD Heyes) Not long ago when patriotism was proudly displayed by a vast majority of citizens and our cultural and societal influencers weren’t Marxist haters, U.S. corporations grew large and wealthy on “Buy American” pledges.