(Justin Deschamps) How do we as a people solve the problems of government corruption? This is a question that people have debated for likely all of human history. In the following article by Joe Martino, he suggests that a referendum would be a viable solution. And it is, from a lawful and spiritual perspective, as I will explain.
legal tools
Natural Law (Part 4): This Man Explains How To Take Down The Corporatocracy
(Richard Enos) After going into detail about the concept of Natural Law in the first 3 articles (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), we are now ready to bring our understanding into the application of Natural Law in the real world. For those of us in the awakening community who feel that there is ‘something wrong’ about the system we seem to be trapped in, but can’t really wrap their head around what it is exactly, this article and the imbedded video below may contain the most important information you’ve ever heard.
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Federal Lawsuit Against Monsanto Filed by Portland, Oregon
(Randall Wilkens) Monsanto. Just the name itself inspires terrifying images of organically mutated super vegetables with a potential for causing sickness and even death. It has been a hotbed of discussion and debates for at least the past decade, despite continued federal government support from various agencies. It seemed as though the giant was unstoppable, at least […]
How to Stop an IRS Audit | Internal Revenue Service Codes (IRC) and Cases To Cite In An IRS Response Letter
The following is a letter one can send in response to an audit notice from the IRS. The letter assumes that you have been filing tax returns in good standing. I have not personally used this process and I strongly caution anyone who intends to. Defending oneself from the despotic legal systems on Earth requires key […]
Debt Enslaving tools of Credit Card Companies, and how to use them to become debt free – NOVATION UNDER THE LAW
In my experience researching law, commerce and the nature of our contractual reality, there is revealed many aspects about Contracts which is reflected in our daily lives and in modern society. Without getting too deep into esoteric knowledge, as a result of having free will, the Universe developed an implacable system of maintaining free will […]
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf : I AM WITHOUT PREJUDICE Updated
Updated 3.29.2014 9:33pm: I have been getting a lot of questions about how these documents are supposed to be used. See this post How to Defeat Admiralty Courts And the Law of the (Holy) See – by Judge Dale for a detailed explanation of what the 12 presumptions are. Heather’s documents help remove any Tacitusly Procured consent and rebut […]
HOW TO (Courtesy Notice): P6 OPPT supporter gets 1000 oz of Silver committed to be paid by leg
This BEing is DOing a lot! What an example we have here with regard to how we can use these tools to our advantage. – Justin Source Published on Sept 8, 2013 This is is my response to there response to my counter claim by the legal firm Harper and Gray representing the TD Bank. […]
How to do a Proper Refusal for Cause (Dispel Contractual Acceptance Presumption)
Thank you Trent of http://freedomfromgovernment.us/ for all your hard work. I have not tried this yet myself, if you have had or are having success please let us know! Source Refused for cause example This is quite the complex process, simple though it is, simply because one needs to have irrefutable proof that any presentment has […]
Beating(Loving) Up on Debt Collectors by Richard Luke Cornforth
I found this book by the Author Richard Luke Cornforth recently and it is filled legal/lawful tools to fight bogus debts. Very few debts, if any at all, are legitimate. The only debts which are, in my opinion are debts where 3 generations of ownership can be traced; right, title, and origin. Your friend lending you $100 […]