(Justin Deschamps) In my studies of law and cosmic realities, I have had the chance to review several bodies of law knowledge, from the existing legal system to independent researchers focusing on divine, natural and cosmic law. One common thread that continually weaves itself through is the concept of personhood. The idea of a person is somewhat complicated yet so very simple we use it every day. A person is a kind of metaphysical technology that empowers the individual to do things in life. In the following, I’ll describe what a person is and why it is important to understand.
legal person
EU Parliament Committee Votes to Give Robots Rights — and a Kill Switch
(Jake Anderson) Foreseeing a rapidly approaching age of autonomous artificial intelligence, a European Parliament committee has voted to legally bestow electronic personhood to robots. The status includes a detailed list of rights, responsibilities, regulations, and a “kill switch.” Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 – Episode 14: The Threat from Artificial Intelligence – Summary and Analysis | Corey […]
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Essential Legal Knowledge ALL PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW — United States Secrets: Why You Should Not Be a Citizen, Person or People
Source – Omni Thought by Pao Chang, October 28th 2016 One important thing you need to know about the United States is the fact that it is operating under a less severe form of martial law. Because of this, The Constitution is suspended. This is why you see the gold fringe U.S. flag in nearly […]
AI Human Rights or a Step Towards AI Enslavement? | Artificial intelligence should be protected by human rights, says Oxford mathematician
Artificial Intelligence is quickly becoming a common part of human life. Most people interact with AI via the internet, smartphones, and various centralized institutions which use advanced computing software, such as law enforcement and marketing. And as the possibility of creating an AI with the capacity to think at a human level approaches realization, the […]
True Meaning of Voting: How the Voting System is Used to Drain Your Energy, And What You Need To Do To Stop It
Update – September 4th, 2022: When I original wrote this introduction, I believed that voting was form of distraction, as it tends to cause people to become complacent insofar as they often do not persue other means of addressing system corruption. This is still true; however, the acquiescence due to not voting is itself an […]
Meet your Strawman! – Quick Educational Video – MUST SEE
This idea that we have a Strawman, or fiction which exist on paper but is not actually us is very important if your trying to figure out why the world is the way it is, and why things happen the way they do. This is a fun video which covers most of the major points, […]