(Paul Joseph Watson) Let the “healing” begin.
25 Insane, Crazy Agendas Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Will Push on America If They Seize Power after Rigging the Elections
(Mike Adams) After rigging the elections and staging the January 6th false flag “riot” at the capitol building in D.C., Democrats have some horrifying plans to roll out in their quest to achieve a full-blown Orwellian nightmare future for America… or at least what’s left of it.
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Leftists ACCUSE Trump of Staging a COUP as Ex-Military Officers Urge MARTIAL LAW! (Video)
Leftists ACCUSE Trump of Staging a COUP as Ex-Military Officers Urge MARTIAL LAW! (Video)
Have Faith … In Masks: The Left’s Religious View Of The COVID-19 Plague
(Ian Haworth) For decades, the Left have been broadly anti-religion. Instead, they prefer to worship buzzwords while scoffing at those who demonstrate any level of faith in a concept which cannot be replicated in a lab, preaching the need for facts, evidence, and science. The most derisive of all responses is reserved for the United States’ largest religious group: Christians.
Leftists Trash Katy Perry For Promoting Father’s ‘Nothing But American’ Clothing Line
(Paul Bois) Singer Katy Perry experienced yet another dose of leftist intolerance over the weekend when she shared her father’s “Nothing But American” clothing collection only to be met with a torrent of criticism.
“We’re Going to Make Sure Trump Leaves”: Leftists Plan to Storm DC After Election
(Paul Joseph Watson) A far left group is vowing to “make sure Trump leaves” the White House after the election, even if he wins, with radicals preparing to storm and occupy DC.
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NO HUMANITY: Leftists Express Satisfaction After Former Trump Campaign Manager Reportedly Threatens Suicide
(Steve Watson) These people are truly sick.
Report: Far Left Groups Secretly Organize and Prepare for MASS VIOLENCE After Joe Biden Loses in November
(Jim Hoft) A central group of far left and communist groups gathered on Zoom last week to plot strategy following the November 3rd election.
Jimmy Kimmel, Leftists Celebs CRUSHED On Social Media After Tweeting Out ‘Voter Fraud’ Video That Showed No Voter Fraud
(Emily Zanotti) Jimmy Kimmel, Bette Midler, John Barrowman, and several other celebrities were left red-faced Saturday night after sharing a viral video purporting to show absentee ballot voter fraud, committed by supporters of President Donald Trump — the only problem, of course, was that the video did not show any voter fraud.
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Leftists Freak Out After Biden Calls for Prosecution of “Arsonists and Anarchists”
(Steve Watson) Joe Biden angered some leftist extremists Wednesday, as he specifically addressed rioters in a statement, condemning “violence and destruction of property,” and calling for the prosecution of “arsonists and anarchists”.
Black Portland Cop Details Racist Abuse From White Leftist Protesters
(Paul Joseph Watson) Black Portland police officer Jakhary Jackson has gone public to detail the racist abuse he has received from white leftist protesters while pointing out that there are often more minorities on the police side than those demonstrating.
BACKFIRE: Customers Buy Goya Foods After Leftists Pledge Boycott Over CEO’s Trump Support
(Paul Bois) Could Goya Foods be headed toward the Chick-fil-A effect, wherein the more leftists hate it, the more conservatives buy it? That may just well be the case.
The Radical Left Declare War on HISTORY: TUCKER Can the Left Lead a Country they Hate? (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) There is not a single voice on television recently that has a better grasp on American culture and current affairs than Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson’s opening monologue is something you dare not miss.
“There’s No Limits to What’s Next – It’s an Attempt to Change the National Identity” – Venezuelan Activist Issues Warning on Current Leftist Revolution in America (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Over 100 statues have been destroyed, taken down or vandalized in America in the last three weeks.
The ‘Woke’ Left’s War on American History
(Civis Americanus) The 1971 movie Zeppelin, starting Michael York, is about an Imperial German plot to destroy irreplaceable British artifacts, paintings, and documents during the First World War. The premise was simple; destroy the nation’s history, and you destroy the nation. The outcome was a mixed result with the successful destruction of some of the irreplaceable documents, but also the loss of the German superweapon.