(Brandon Smith) I think one of the most bizarre social developments of the past 10 years in the US has been the slow but steady shift of the political left as supposed defenders of free speech to enemies of free speech.
SICK: Pro-Abortion Leftists In Phoenix Scream at Pro-Lifers, Hold Signs Saying “FETUS = GOOD SNACK” (VIDEO)
(Jordan Conradson) Radical pro-abortion protesters came unhinged on Saturday outside the Arizona Capitol in response to the leaked Roe v. Wade draft decision.
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Workers of the World Unite, and the Left Hates It
(Jarrett Stepman) The workers are uniting against government mandates and the left now calls it fascism. What began as a GoFundMe campaign for Canadian truckers who lost their jobs due to COVID-19 mandates for cross-border travel turned into a massive “Freedom Convoy” that drove across Canada and into the capital, Ottawa.
Leftists Continue Attacking Joe Rogan for Being Racist, But by Same Standard Joe Biden is a Big-League Racist Too
(Joe Hoft) The far-left is claiming Joe Rogan is a racist based on some old videos showing him using the N-word. But this was taken out of context. By the same standard, Joe Biden is a big-league racist.
Soviet-Style Posters Mocking ‘Commie’ Biden Blanket Capital, Leftists Scramble to Rip Them Down
(Elizabeth Stauffer) On Saturday morning, conservative communications professional Leigh Wolf noticed a bunch of unflattering, Soviet-style posters depicting President Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci, his chief medical advisor, had gone up overnight in Washington, D.C.
A Clever Way for Leftists to Achieve Gun Control?
(John Green) The Supreme Court has just heard oral arguments in the case of Dobbs v Jackson. The justices have not reached a decision yet, but the decision could overturn Roe v Wade. If the left dodges a bullet, and the Supremes uphold Roe, Governor Gavin Newsom would like them to think about it again.
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Don’t Let Leftists Gaslight You on Critical Race Theory
(Christopher Paslay) Chauncey Devega, a race essentialist and staff writer for Salon, insists that Critical Race Theory is a fairytale. In his recent article, “‘Critical race theory’ is a fairytale — but America’s monsters are real,” Devega insists that CRT is a lie, a damn lie, and suggests everyday white folks are “doing the work of racism and white supremacy” by “[s]upporting Republican fascists who tell evil fairytales about ‘Critical Race Theory.'”
The Bleak Misery of a Leftist Thanksgiving
(J.B. Shurk) This week, millions of Americans from all walks of life will sit down with friends and family to enjoy the bliss of food and fellowship. And somewhere amid the warmth and frivolity of this great American tradition, most will stop to count their blessings and give thanks to God. We give thanks for this feast before us.
MUST SEE VIDEO: Bernard Kerik Warns Leftists on J-6 Committee He Has OVERWHELMING Evidence of Fraud in 2020 Election – “I Think the American People Should Get to See That”
(Jim Hoft) Bernard Kerik joined Carl Higbie on Greg Kelly Reports on Wednesday night. This was after the J-6 Committee subpoenaed him to testify before their sham investigation.
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The Case for Optimism: 10 Reasons Why the Pro-freedom Right Will Defeat the Anti-Liberty Left
(D Parker) The case for optimism is easy if you compare the positives of the pro-freedom Right to the abhorrent negatives of the anti-liberty left.
INSURRECTION! Violent Leftists Attempt to Storm Department of Interior – Demand End of Fossil Fuel Use before Winter
(Jim Hoft) Democrat activistss are protesting today in Washington DC to end fossil fuels for winter 2021.
Wife Of Deathly Ill Covid Patient Pleads With Hospital To Treat Husband With Ivermectin – Hospital Refuses Till Being Ordered To By Ohio Judge
(B.K. House) We are living in unprecedented times. Committed leftists are working hand in hand to deny the American people freedom of choice, and movement, censoring access to information whether it’s alternative medicines or the truth about our leadership. Their loyalty to each other and their shared deception is truly disturbing.
Hate Crimes Against Christians Becoming Commonplace in Canada
(Nolan Barton) Hate crimes targeting Christians are increasingly becoming normal in Canada. There have been at least 45 attacks on Christian congregations in the country since June, including 17 cases in which churches were completely burned down.
Leftists Have a Racist, Divisive, and Ultimately Nihilistic View of America
(Daniel Davies) Congresswoman Cori Bush recently tweeted that July Fourth is a holiday celebrating White people’s freedom only. Her tweet is part of the radical left’s effort to take over America. It ignores that, while America struggled with slavery in its founding, it endured a horrific Civil War to end it and experienced a robust Civil Rights Movement to realize the Declaration of Independence’s promises. We are faced now with a choice between the vision of Karl Marx or that of the Declaration of Independence, Abraham Lincoln, and Walt Disney.
Leftists Are Attacking American Education But They Are Vulnerable
(Jason Peirce) Critical Race Theory (“CRT”) is a dangerous ideology that eats away at America’s foundations. However, the attention it’s received recently provides an enormous opportunity for those Americans who have long been sounding the alarm about this formerly insidious, but now outright pernicious, movement.